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Vision Assistant > Labview ploblem EMERGENCY!

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i'm on senior project for my study in bachelor degree.

and my project is to create an orientation for  robot FANUC to pick a thing by using CCD camera.

my problem is when i  transfer my VA to labview module by using create Labview VI function

1. the module doesn't show the calibrated output from pattern matching

2. in the image out panel doesn't show how their matching it shows only the image 

how can i fix this?


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Message 1 of 40
and this is my object to pick
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Message 2 of 40
I am guessing you are talking about image overlay. (Showing the matched object). In vision assistant it will show the pattern matched bounding box and when you convert that scr to a vi you have to use "Imaq overlay rectangle" from the overlay functions.
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Message 3 of 40
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Message 4 of 40
Attaching the vi and template. Do post if if have want something different.
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Message 5 of 40
i can't open ur file . it got an error seems it looking for IVA Match pattern
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Message 6 of 40

Hi NuMetal,


The VIs with IVA infront of the name are created by the Vision Assistant.  You can find the VIs in \vi.lib\vison\Vision Assistant Utils.llb.   LabVIEW does not normally check here when loading VIs, so that is why it cannot find it.  I have also attached the subVI.   You may also want to consider using the  "Pattern Matching," found in the NI Example Finder under Toolkits and Modules >> Vision >>Functions.


I hope this helps!


Kristen H.

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Message 7 of 40
Yes i had created the vi in lv 8.0. But i have also given the screen shot which should help you give an idea isnt it?
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Message 8 of 40
guess my english is not so well .. this is my screen shot with the ploblem i worked on so.. it's gonna be easier for u guy to understand
Message Edited by NuMetal on 12-17-2009 11:00 PM
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Message 9 of 40
I am not getting it very clear. But can you confirm whether you want to calculate the object dimension difference before and after calibration? If yes then how do want the indication to be?
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Message 10 of 40