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VBAI Rotate Image 90 Degrees for Display

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So, to calibrate the camera, I capture an uncallibrated image, locate the 2 reference edges, and then use a calibrate step to create the 2-point calibration parameters that I can then use for normal iamge captures to produce real-world dimensional measurements.


Great.  That definitely makes things simpler on the measurement side!


Thanks, Christophe!



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Message 11 of 12

Hello Christophe


I have the same problem as Nelson .

I work with a NI 1744 smartcam and Vision Builder AI and i search for a possibilty to rotate the Image only

for display purposes.

I'm verry happy as i found your solution . Unfortunately this VI work's not with my Version of Vision Builder .

Is it possible for you to transfer your VI in a earlier Version of VBAI ?

I work with : VBAI 2012 - Build 20120725192017  on an Windows 7 , 32 bit , intel based PC (german Vision if it is



Thanks in advance




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Message 12 of 12