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Using 50 pin I/Os on PCIe-1473R cameralink board

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Hi, dear all,


I am wondering if there is the pinout map of the 50 pin I/O on the PCIe-1473R cameralink frame grabber.


Although there is a extension board could attach the card (, I wan to directly connect the 50 pin out instead buying another card since we just simply want to use the DIOs.





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

I do have the same question !  
can't find any related document  :'( :'(

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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author cychang0829

Because this is a proprietary connection meant for internal use with the specific I/O extension board, I am pretty sure the pin-out is not documented anywhere. I'd also have concerns about using the I/O directly as the circuits were not designed for direct use and may not have much in the way of protection against damaging the board like most external I/O signals have. There is a chance you could damage the board as a result.

Message 3 of 4

I am using this card with the connection board for a while (hundreds of tools in the field since 2012).

The FPGA card is very expensive. The I/O board is relatively cheap.

The I/O board has protections on the I/O.

It is fairly good design. We don't get many issues that make us change the cards in the field.

By design we are not connecting to the I/O on the FPGA board (I/O 0). That way we keep the FPGA card protected.


Amit Shachaf
Message 4 of 4