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How can i avoid a pop-up window when calling the avi.dll?

Ok, here another try!

My problem is as followed:

My program calls the avi.dll to initialize, write into and close an
Now, when initializing it, a pop-up window is shown so you can choose the
codec to use.
My question is, can I pre-define the codec, so the pop-up window won't show
The program is meant to write several files, some starting without the user
having to control them, so the pop-up window really isn't helping.
Any ideas?

I attached the avi.dll in case you need it to look at the problem.

Also helpful would be, if someone could tell me, how I can take a closer
look at the structure of the dll. Is there a program I can do that with?


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
Here are the avi.dll and the calling code, so you can understand my problem better.

Thanx alot!

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

It doesn't look like you can predefine the codec using the AVI.dll that you have. You aren't going to be able to look at the structure of the dll either, unless you can obtain the source code.

I would recommend you look at a more advanced AVI toolkit from Graftek. It costs about $500, but it will do everything you need.

Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Thank you for your suggestions.
Unfortunately another investment is out of question for we already spent alot of money on this project.

Thank you anyway for your help.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6
Hello Martin,

I have used this DLL before and wasn't asked to choose a codec. Maybe if you use all three functions (init, write, close), it works without problems. Here's a example that uses IMAQ hardware to acquire an 8-bit image at 30fps and writes each image to an avi file.

There are utilities to examine dlls (see what functions are exported and what the dependencies are, but you can't see source code since it is compiles.) Check out QuickView or DependencyWalker.
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will try the example you posted.

Regarding the use of all three functions, i'm already doing that. i only posted the init-part though, because that is what causes me the problems.

Thank you for your help.

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Message 5 of 6