tinuous capturing images from 2 cameras under2 different channels in B&W format. How do i capture the ROI of channel 1 use it to compare with another ROI of channel 2 and perferably be able to lock when they synchronise ( for overlaying purposes ). Thanks.There is a shipping example installed under LabVIEW/example/imaq/Low Level.llb/LL Ring Scan Channels.vi (the name change depending on what version of the driver you have--this is for NI-IMAQ 2.5). This example will illustrate how to acquire from multiple channels efficiently (there are some examples that just have two while loops with snaps in them, but this isn't efficient). You can use the iteration count and if it's even, it's coming from channel 0, and odd it's coming from channel 1 and then you can perform different operations on the images depending on that. (The LL Status function also tells you which buffer it just acquired).
As far as comparing ROIs, once you can get the images from the different channels and know which image is from where, you should be able to
have different buffers allocated to perform alysis on the different channels and compare them together.
Hope this helps,
Brad Buchanan
National Instruments