03-05-2007 08:20 PM
1. Open the file to play until the new picture is ready
2. New picture is ready
3. Stop media player
4. Close media player reference
5. Write frame to avi file
Then repeat.
Is this possible?
03-05-2007 09:49 PM
Sorry, I posted the wrong code. That was code I used to to use classic media player because we are using LV 7.1. Here is the pusedo code I was talking about.
03-06-2007 06:39 PM
Often, ActiveX functions may take some time to complete; therefore after you call the close command I would add a delay to give enough time to completely close the reference. Also I would suggest taking a look at the AVI examples in LabVIEW – in particular the Grab and Save to AVI.vi. If you are able to get this program to work correctly, you can then begin incorporating the appropriate ActiveX functions to open Windows Media Player.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you would like further clarification or assistance regarding this issue.03-11-2007 01:51 PM
03-13-2007 07:47 AM