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NI Drivers on Ubuntu Focal.

Just wondering if anyone had successfully installed ni-daqmx on ubuntu focal?  I keep getting dependency errors i have not been able to figure out.



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Message 1 of 5

Okay, i had to add the user pxisa then everything installed.  However, i was hoping to use this with labview. From the Readme

   - ni-daqmx-labview-2020-support

This package does not seem to exist.  Am I missing something?

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Message 2 of 5

Does the installation comes with labview vi's or only C-API. After installing nidaqmx i can see the the shared libs and the c header file, but there are no vi to use daqmx.


Is it soposed to be like that?


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I'm having issues as well. I receive a weird error where the NI-KAL DKMS module fails to build. Anyone else?

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Message 4 of 5

I removed everything (purged) ni related, then added the repository and reinstalled. Everything seems to be working now.  I did notice that there is no labview support for ubuntu, however the rpm based drivers have it for Labview 2020 and below.  I downloaded the rpms for Labview2020 support and converted them to .debs.  Then i modified the debs to install to Labview 2021 instead of 2020 which seems to have worked as well.  I don't have any hardware with me at the moment to test, but will try when I am in the office.


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Message 5 of 5