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How to Install GPIB driver NI-488.2 on Ubuntu 7.10

Ok I'm going to follow the advice of master Shawn and I will tell you how to install nikal 1.8 and NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1 with success in Ubuntu 7.10. I would like that the readers to can commenting the steps followed in the installation to solve any kind of doubts.

Ok the first step is to download NIKAL 1.8.iso and NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1 .I like to create the folders to mount the ISO and after it, I usually copy this folder at my home. That is

# cd Escritorio/

# ls

NIKAL18.iso  NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1.iso

# mkdir nikal_1_8

# mkdir visa_4_4

# mount -o loop NIKAL18.iso nikal_1_8/

# mount -o loop NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1.iso  NI_488_2/

# cp -R nikal_1_8/ /home/imane/

# cp -R NI_488_2/ /home/imane/

The next step is to install gcc_4.3.2-2_i386.deb, to do it first we must include this repository in sources.list:
deb lenny main

It's a debian repository but lenny is a distro more stable than ubuntu 7.10, don't worry about it, but remember that it's a good idea comment the line of this repository after the installation.

After including the repository write down:

#apt-get update

I think that the best way to install gcc_4.3.2 and its dependencies is using synaptic.

Right after it, next step is to change the way that ubuntu manages the shell. The INSTALL script is made using shell sh type, sh is a subset of shell bash. BUT the command of sh shell in ubuntu doesn't point to bash but dash. Dash is a special shell compiled by canonical to reduce the weight of the system. We going to change this to have a bash shell.

#ln -sf /bin/bash /bin/sh

Ok, now we must run the INSTALL of nikal, but with nodeps because there are problems when the script try to check glibc

#./INSTALL --nodeps

The result:

Would you like to continue? [Yn] y

Installing NI-KAL version 1.8.0f0...
Pre Installation ..
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:nikali                 ########################################### [100%]
Post Installation ..

THE PATENTS.txt FILE ON /home/imane/nikal_1_8 AND/OR

NI-KAL Installation completed successfully.

If everything it's fine, nikal has installed nikal.ko in your kernel, this module allows you to control National Instruments hardware. To summarize the script does this:
Go to path /usr/local/natinst/nikal/src/
"#make install"
Copy the files *.ko to  "/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/kernel/natinst/"
And finally "#depmod -a"

Be careful because the script INSTALL involves several sub-scripts included at folder /usr/local/natinst/nikal/bin/

At this point is a good idea knowing if the modules are working properly:

# modprobe nikal

If don't appear error messages it means the module is working.

The last step is to install NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1, to do it we must run INSTALL script (included with NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1) once again with --nodeps.

#./INSTALL --nodeps

The result:

Would you like to continue? [Yn] y

Installing NI-488.2 Beta Distribution version 2.5.1b1...
Skipping nikali-1.7.0-f0.noarch.rpm installation, same or newer already installed.
Pre Installation ......
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:nispyi                 ########################################### [ 25%]
   2:nipali                 ########################################### [ 50%]
   3:labview80-rte          ########################################### [ 75%]
   4:ni4882betai            ########################################### [100%]
Post Installation ......

THE PATENTS.txt FILE ON /home/imane/Escritorio/NI-488.2-beta-2.5.1b1 AND/OR

NI-488.2 Beta Distribution Installation completed successfully.

At this point is a good idea knowing if the news modules are working properly:

# modprobe nipalk
# modprobe gpibprtk

On the other hand, a new demon has been included nipal. If we try to restart it appears this:

# /etc/init.d/nipal restart
WARNING: could not unload module nipalk from memory
Failed to unload nipalk because it is being used!

Don't worry, It is the great moment to run gpibexplorer and troubleshoots:


That's all.

Next station is to install VISA but...step by step.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 7

Thank you for creating this great tutorial!

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Great tutorial...and a good starting point for me to try this out on Ubuntu/Kubuntu Hardy. Any tips on those?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7


Thanks for your words (both). I didn't have time to search last months about how to install NI488.2,VISA,etc, in newest ubuntu's distros. My last milestone was install visa in Ubuntu 7.10.

But nowadays I have more free time and I'm trying create a new how-to where I want to explain how to install Ubuntu8.04+LABVIEW+NIKAL+NIPAL+NI488.2+VISA. I am stopped in installation of LV8.X for these reasons:

1) When I try to install LV8.2.1-core in Ubuntu 8.04 appear a error that no existing in 7.10. The problem is related to package LV-core and command "sort". See this for more information.

2) When I try to install LV8.6-core in Ubuntu 8.04 appear a error related to one file (Readme.html) which don't exist.

I hope search these failures during this week and writing down my results.


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7


Thanks for the effort...I do hope you're able to sort out the issue! However, I was able to install *Labview only* pretty easily on Ubuntu Hardy. I cannot open the link you've mentioned above. Any way I can help with your issues?


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hello, The  download link is not available now. So I can not follow the great guide you created.

Could you please help update the download link? Thank you very much.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

This thread is very old and the software mentioned is outdated.  You'd be better served to start with more recent updates.  There are a number of threads on these boards with the experiences of users that have tried to install current drivers on Ubuntu.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 7