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replace image by an image array in IVA_ProcessImage (image)

I would like to make a modification on the code c that generates vision assistant  under labwindowscvi the code of base allows to select a photo, I would like to use a table which allows to select several photos automatiquelly on folder and to pass them as argument in the function IVA_ProcessImage (image) Please find the code base code modify and the project to better understand thanks for your help:
Basic code:

nt main (int argc, char *argv[])
    char** imagePath;       // Image Path
    int cancelled;
    ImageType imageType;    // Image Type
    Image* image;           // Image

    // Display the Load Image dialog
    imagePath = imaqLoadImagePopup(NULL, "*.*", NULL, "Open Image", FALSE, IMAQ_BUTTON_LOAD, 0, 0, 1, 0, &cancelled, NULL);

    if (!cancelled)
        // Get the type of the image file to create an image of the right type
        imaqGetFileInfo(imagePath[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &imageType);

        // Create an IMAQ Vision image
        image = imaqCreateImage(imageType, 7);
        // Read the image from disk
        imaqReadFile(image, imagePath[0], NULL, NULL);
        // Vision Assistant Algorithm
        success = IVA_ProcessImage(image);
        if (!success)
            err = imaqGetLastError();
     // Display the image
        imaqMoveWindow(DISPLAY_WINDOW, imaqMakePoint(0,0));
        imaqSetWindowPalette(DISPLAY_WINDOW, IMAQ_PALETTE_BINARY, NULL, 0);
        imaqDisplayImage(image, DISPLAY_WINDOW, TRUE);
        // Wait for a key press before exiting
        printf ("Press Enter to exit.\n");
        // Dispose resources
    return 0;



CODE modified  :

//     Includes

#include <stdio.h>
#include <nivision.h>
#include "ImageProcessing.h"

//  Defines


   int currentImage = 0;
   #define NUM_OCR_IMAGES 9  
//  Main Function

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{          int i;
    int success = 1;
    int err = 0;
    char** imagePath;       // Image Path
    int cancelled;
    ImageType imageType;    // Image Type
    Image* ocrImagesArray[NUM_OCR_IMAGES];        // Image

    // IMAQ Vision creates windows in a separate thread

    //// Display the Load Image dialog
    //imagePath = imaqLoadImagePopup(NULL, "*.*", NULL, "Open Image", FALSE, IMAQ_BUTTON_LOAD, 0, 0, 1, 0, &cancelled, NULL);

    //if (!cancelled)
        //// Get the type of the image file to create an image of the right type
        //imaqGetFileInfo(imagePath[0], NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &imageType);

    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_OCR_IMAGES; i++ )
        ocrImagesArray[i] = imaqCreateImage (IMAQ_IMAGE_U8, 10);

    /* Load all the OCR images */
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[0], "OCR\\Image 00.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[1], "OCR\\Image 01.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[2], "OCR\\Image 02.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[3], "OCR\\Image 03.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[4], "OCR\\Image 04.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[5], "OCR\\Image 05.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[6], "OCR\\Image 06.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[7], "OCR\\Image 07.bmp", NULL, NULL);
    imaqReadFile( ocrImagesArray[8], "OCR\\Image 08.bmp", NULL, NULL);
       // // Create an IMAQ Vision image
       //ocrImagesArray[i] = imaqCreateImage(imageType, 7);

       // // Read the image from disk
       // imaqReadFile(image, imagePath[0], NULL, NULL);

        // Vision Assistant Algorithm
        success = IVA_ProcessImage(ocrImagesArray[i]);
        if (!success)
            err = imaqGetLastError();

        // Display the image
        imaqMoveWindow(DISPLAY_WINDOW, imaqMakePoint(0,0));
        imaqSetWindowPalette(DISPLAY_WINDOW, IMAQ_PALETTE_BINARY, NULL, 0);
        imaqDisplayImage(ocrImagesArray[i], DISPLAY_WINDOW, TRUE);

        // Wait for a key press before exiting
        printf ("Press Enter to exit.\n");

        // Dispose resources
    for ( i = 0; i < NUM_OCR_IMAGES; i++ )

    return 0;



FATAL RUN-TIME ERROR:   "Main.c", line 77, col 36, thread id 10448:   Dereference of out-of-bounds pointer: 1 bytes (1 elements) past end of array.

0 Kudos
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