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USB 6501 card(s) becomes unresponsive


I am using two USB 6501 cards to control two sets of relays using DI/O outputs.  Quite frequently, > 5 per day, both cards become unresponsive I must either unplug the USB 2.0 hub, both cards are connected to it, or reboot the entire system.  Both cards still show up in MAX but any attempt to reset them generates the following error code (this error code also shows up in my code.

"The device reset has failed.  The error report from device driver is as follow:
Error -50405 occurred at Device Reset
Possible Reason(s)
No transfer is in progress because the transfer was aborted by client.  The operation could not  be completed as specified."

My algorithm, in C, is as follows,
1. DAQmxStartTask
2. DAQmxWriteDigitalLines
3. DAQmxWaitUntilTaskDone
4. DAQmxStopTask

Any ideas on what condition causes this?

Thanks, Rodolfo

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 21
 Hello Rodolfo,

 The code prototype you posted sounds correct; however could you try running one of the digital generation examples that ship with the USB-6501?
  These will be installed to:
     C:\Program Files\National Instruments\CVI81\samples\DAQmx\Digital\

 More information in general is needed about your situation:
  1. What is happening when the program dies? Can you reproduce this condition?
  2. What version of the DAQmx driver is installed on your computer? (MAX->Software->NI-DAQmx)
  3. What operating system is the computer?
  4. Is the USB 2.0 hub a powered or unpowered hub?
  5. AMD-756 Chipset?
  6. Are there any other USB devices on the computer?
  7. Have you tried these devices on another computer with the same code and seen the same symptoms?

 Thank you and have a great evening.

 Applications Engineer
 National Instruments


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Message 2 of 21
  1. What is happening when the program dies? Can you reproduce this condition?
         The application remains functional but I'm unable to communicate with the 6501(s).  Any attempt to talk to the card
          generates error code
-50405.  The problems happens randomly but with enough frequency to anoy my customer.
          I would say increase usage, enabling/disabling DI/O lines, would increase the chance the device becomes unresponsive

  2. What version of the DAQmx driver is installed on your computer? (MAX->Software->NI-DAQmx)
  3. What operating system is the computer?
       Windows XP Pro

  4. Is the USB 2.0 hub a powered or unpowered hub?

  5. AMD-756 Chipset?
      Pentium D cpu

  6. Are there any other USB devices on the computer?
     There are two 6501 and one 6008 USB cards attached, via hub, to the computer.  When the problem arises both 6501  
      become unresponsive (unable to reset them even from MAX) but the 6008 is responsive.

  7. Have you tried these devices on another computer with the same code and seen the same symptoms?
      I have seen similiar problems with different cards (6009 analog inputs) on other  systems.  I needed to reset Hub or restart
      system to get application working properly again.
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Message 3 of 21


I have the same problem

did you solve the problem already? How?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 21

 Hi Nati,

Here are a couple general tips you might consider:

 1. Check that the USB-6501 is connected to a USB 2.0 port
 2. If you are unsure then try connecting to the USB port in the back of the computer. 
 3. If using a USB un-powered hub then try connecting the USB-6501 directly to the computer's USB ports
 4. If you have a older version of DAQmx then consider upgrading to DAQmx 8.6.
 5. The USB-6501 can operate with 2 versions of firmware: DAQmx and DAQmx Base. You will want to use the DAQmx Base firmware
       if running Windows XP operating system.
 6. Check that ambient temperature is not exceeding 45 degrees celsius or 113 degrees fahrenheit.
 7. USB is a Bus architecture, the more devices you have on your USB bus then the available bandwidth must be shared between them. If you are performing
      bandwidth intensive operations such as sampling waveforms or generating waveforms then possibly reduce your sampling rate or remove extraneous devices
     from the USB bus.

Beyond that,  I would have several questions regarding your setup.

 1. Does this USB-6501 work correctly on other computers?
 2. What was the result of trying without a USB hub?
 3. What operating system are you using?
 4. What is the specific problem you are seeing with your USB-6501? As much detail as possible please.
 5. Has this unit ever worked correctly for extended periods of time?

Hope these tips help!

 Have a great afternoon,

Best regards.

Applications Engineer
National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 21

Hi Matthew, 

 1. The USB is connected to the port in the back of the computer.  
 2. I am not using hub. 
 3. on that computer i can see that i have:

 DAQmx 8.5

 DAQmx base 2.2

 i use Labview 7.1 + Daq assistant. how can i know if the Daq assistant used DAQmx 8.5 or DAQmx base 2.2 ?

 4. The ambient temperature is not exceeding 28 degrees Celsius  
 5. I am using only one device on this computer ( 6501 ). I am performing only digital output.

 3. What operating system are you using? 

Ans: XP

 4. What is the specific problem you are seeing with your USB-6501? As much detail as possible please.


Ans: When the software comes to the point that it should turn on or off digital line an error occurs. 

Then I can't do reset or self test from the Measurement & Automation.

i have to un install the driver of the 6501

This problem happens once in two or three days. 

 5. Has this unit ever worked correctly for extended periods of time?

Ans: No. from the beginning I have this problem.

Best regards.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 21
 Hi Nati,

 I think there is something going on with the USB bus on the computer in question.
Is it possible for the customer to try the USB-6501 on another computer?
Problems with the USB bus could be:
   1. The 5v bus is not sufficient to power multiple USB devices.
   2.  Communications on the USB bus is lost to the DAQ device because a USB device was disconnected/reconnected.
Really, trying the USB-6501 on another computer will let you troubleshoot if there is a problem with the USB-6501 or it's a bus problem.

 Finally, the DAQ Asst will only operate with DAQmx not DAQmx Base. The customer application should be built using DAQmx unless they are on a
  Macintosh platform.

Best regards,

Applications Engineer
National Instruments




0 Kudos
Message 7 of 21
Hi MatthewW,

Is it possible for the customer to try the USB-6501 on another computer?
1. I tried to use another computer and i got the same result
2. I am using only one device. 

Best regards, 


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 21

 Hi Nati,

 1. Do you experience these problems when a Labview VI is not running?
   ie; if you we're to use MAX and manipulate the Digital Outputs would there be a problem?

 2. If the answer to #1 is no, then please try a shipping example from the NI Example Finder.

 3. Is the USB port in the computer definetly a USB 2.0 port? You can verify this by this method.
 4. What is the green led on the USB-6501 doing? Here is a short KB that gives more information on the led blink codes.
 5. I would finally advise to re-install DAQmx if nothing else has worked. There may have been a problem
    installing the software in the first place.

 Have a great weekend.

 Best regards,

 Applications Engineer
 National Instruments

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 21

Hi MatthewW,

 1. Do you experience these problems when a Labview VI is not running?

   ie; if you we're to use MAX and manipulate the Digital Outputs would there be a problem?


I am getting the same error when I am using visual basic 6


 3. Is the USB port in the computer definitely a USB 2.0 port? You can verify this by this method.



The USB wasn't USB 2.0 there for I bought a USB pci card that can give me USB 2.0 abilities.

and I am still getting the same error 

 Best regards, 

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Message 10 of 21