03-15-2012 10:50 AM
What problem are you running into specifically? I don't have that device, so I'm not sure how I would go about to test this.
03-15-2012 11:02 AM
Hi -
Well- the good news is that the error I have is independent of whether the instrument is connected or not- it is strictly regarding loading and finding all the functions within the DLL.
Here is the description: I am programming the NI functions LoadExternalModule & GetExternalModuleAddr to load the DLL and then to get a pointer to a function in the DLL.
The call to LoadExternalModule (pathname) was successful and returned an integer ID of the DLL.
The call to GetExternalModuleAddr (module_id, funname, &status) fails with a retun of NULL - it is unable to find the function "GTPM_GetAddress" within the DLL (function description is on page 7 of giga-tronics programming manual)
I suspect the format of the DLL is incompatible with Labwindows, or possibly labwindows is looking for some prepend or postpend. But Irealy don't have a clue.
Thanks for the help.
03-15-2012 12:13 PM
Is there any reason why you dont use static linking?
Your initial problems are solved, I suppose?
03-15-2012 12:30 PM
statisc linnking also fails.
I used the two step programatic approach to help me debug the problem- to find out if it is due to bad file path, or bad DLL.
my original problem is not solved, I still cannot access the functions within the giga-tronics DLL. I know it is not a problem with NI, butstill hoping someone else has experienced similart problems and knows how to build a work-around.