Hi Wolfgang,
The short answer is that what you're describing is the expected behavior (unfortunately).
The long answer is a bit messy, but I'll give it a shot.
In CVI, a taskbar button isn't always associated with a panel. By default, the button is actually associated with your application as a whole, and each panel's button is actually hidden. You can show/hide each panel's button by toggling the ATTR_HAS_TASKBAR_BUTTON panel attribute. You can also show/hide the application's button by toggling the ATTR_TASKBAR_BUTTON_VISIBLE system attribute. (Usually, these go hand in hand: you either show buttons for individual panel(s), or for the application as a whole).
When you minimize by clicking a panel's button in the taskbar (and this is equivalent to using the _ button in the upper right) the window is minimized, as expected. In this case, the event is sent.
When you minimize by clicking the application's button in the taskbar, the entire application is minimized, which causes all its windows to disappear. However, the individual windows have not been minimized by this action. If you were to call GetPanelAttribute with the ATTR_WINDOW_ZOOM attribute, it should report that it's not minimized. This is why you didn't receive an event.
When you then click the button again, the application is restored and any individual panels which were visible before will again be visible, and any panels which had been minimized before, will still be minimized.
I admit that these effects is confusing and not very intuitive. This topic has come up before, in one shape or another, and it will probably continue coming up until some major redesign of the CVI window manager takes place (which will be risky and, therefore, not any time soon).
I also admit that this should have been included in the documentation for these events, and we'll fix this as soon as possible.
There are a few more wrinkles that come into play when your application has multiple panels visible at the same time. I'm going to avoid discussing these now, on the expectation that they might not apply to you (you can read about some of them in the thread I linked above). If you do only have one panel, you probably have any easy solution: turn off ATTR_TASKBAR_BUTTON_VISIBLE and turn on ATTR_HAS_TASKBAR_BUTTON. But if you have multiple panels and you're having a hard time making this work well, let me know and we can try to come up with a solution.