05-19-2020 01:34 AM
Requirement : Read a tdms file from my Qt application running in LINUX environment
Language : C / C++
Operating System : Linux
Problem : I could not find API and Libraries to read tdms file from Qt running in LINUX environment.
Can support team help me.
05-26-2020 03:43 AM
Did you search for the information? Did you read this knowledge article?
09-16-2022 03:40 AM
Sorry if necro-posting, but I have a similar requirement, i.e. a C/C++ library to read/write TDMS files on Linux. We are reading data using NIDAQmx and want to write the data to TDMS files for compatibility with existing datasets.
On Windows there is the cvitdms library (part of CVI2020) but there does not appear to be an equivalent available for Linux. (I have seen a few oblique references to LabWindows/CVI for Linux but I can find no evidence on ni.com that such a product is available.)
My hopes were raised when I found a libtdms.so in the ni-tdms-bin package for Ubuntu/Redhat etc., only to be dashed when I found the exported functions were Tds* rather than TDMS_*, apprently an entirely different library.
Any pointers or other information welcome.