LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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Based on this thread, CVI RT doesn't support the new standalone cDAQ (9132, 9133, 9134, 9135, 9136, 9137) when they run NI Linux Real Time OS.

I think that this support should be added asap because it allows saving CVI code already developed

My 2000 dollar worth, run of the mill desktop PC has 4 teraflop of brute computation power hiding in 4 GPUs. None of which is accessible for my programs I develop in Labwindows.


With the release of the new OpenCL it is possible to generate a "platform independent" GPU computing library. That would place Labwindows on the same or better footing than Labview that already has some GPU computing support.

The advantages are obvious: huge gain in data processing speed, real-time application with streaming data,  pattern-recognition (video) applications, image processing, data-parallel tasks in (technical) modeling arena.

I am playing with some optimization algorithms (genetic algorithms, evolutionary algorithms) that benefit and show amazing gains since they are ideal for data-parallel applications! Currently working on the specs for a new type of controller that would optimize several parameters to figure out the state of the tissue culture (expanding, producing, overgrowing, etc.) to maximize productivity and to calculate the optimal settings using evolutionary algorithms... Any complex process control could take advantage of this kind of applications -currently not available- because of computational limitations. Had a previous optimization task that would have taken 150,000 years to complete using a brute force algorithm on a "monofilament" CPU-based application. Converted it to a genetic algorithm and it gives me a good enough solution in 3-4 days on the same standard PC. Now, with GPU, that problem could be solved in fifteen minutes while expanding the evolutionary depth and finding better solutions using even more complex fitness functions.

Ask yourself what do you want: tinkering with the conveniences of the IDE that already does the job well enough; or open the door to new landscapes that could be conquered by using the simple elegance and effectiveness of LabWindows and the power of GPUs?


Please consider the possibility to make one option to set the application as Windows service, so i can start it on windows server BEVORE the logon is done.

Very usefully !!

Be able in CVI to deploy code to a Compact RIO for execution. This would allow Compact RIO users to use C code from a Linux LabVIEW.

Please consider the possibility to enable the use of CVI application as web server so that the application will accessible to the web.

Its open one new world (wide  web..).


Consider the opportunity to ope to all smartphone device....

The most recent version of the C runtime that comes with the Phar Lap ETS is msvcr90 from 2008. That really restricts the usage of more recent third-party libraries on real-time targets shipping this operating system.


Support for msvcr{100,110,120,140}, even with stubs for most of their functions, would be greatly appreciated.



Does anyone know if there are any plans for CVI and LabvVew Real-Time to support the Realtek NIC's? Supporting the Realtek NIC's would greatly expand the choices of boards that would be compatible with Real-Time modules.




Tom Doyle


Might it be possible to implement some utility so that the debug_printf function could print to a window (or even the debug-output window in LabWindows/CVI) from a program that is NOT running under the debugger? I'm workng on a program that does some near-real-time data acquisition, and running it with the debugger from within LabWindows/CVI slows it down too much, to the point where it can't respond to the DAQmx notifications and the program crashes. Since I have a multi-core machine, I can, however, run it as a separate process at the same time as LabWindows/CVI. 

The following are desired enhancements to LabWindows/CVI Real-Time:


- Support for Lists and Hash Tables

- Support for Ini Instrument Driver

- Support for XML

- The ability to host user defined web services (similar to what can be accomplished via LabView)

