To make a long story short : Breakpoints should be a kind of "3 or 4 states round-robin object" with some sort of memory regarding the condition (if any)
Let me explain...
Let start on one line with an empty margin
first click : set breakpoint - red diamond
second click : disable breakpoint - grey diamond
third click : delete breakpoint - empty margin
At this point, when the user click again and again in the margin he can see the red, grey and empty margin cyclically. Yes, 3 clicks are now needed in order to recover an empty margin (instead of 2 actually)
The behavior above ehance the existing behavior. Indeed, it gives more option to the user (disable breakpoint) without changing the way of working. In addition, it help users to discover breakpoints can be disable.
Now let's look the case where, at one point the user set a condition for the breakpoint
Again, let's start on one line with an empty margin
first click : set breakpoint - red diamond
right click : edit breakpoint - yellow rectangle (should be yellow diamond, small change in the display)
second click : disable breakpoint - grey diamond (instead of grey rectangle, this is a disable breakpoint)
third click : delete breakpoint - empty margin
Then, when the user click again and again in the margin he can see the red, yellow, grey diamonds and empty margin cyclically.
Please note that the latest condition of the conditional breakpoint is set/recall automatically when the yellow diamond appears (memory effect).
Again, the behavior above ehance the existing behavior. The key point is that you "do not loose" your condtionnal breakpoint when you click on it. I know it is not true since the breakpoint is still in the list of breakpoints but this is a frustrating experience when you click on a yellow recetangle and whe you see it "disapear".
Last but not least, overing a yellow diamond (rectangle) should display the condition in a tooltips (passcount = x - condition is : "sdfsdfsf"). I know it has been already propose and it is under consideration.
Best regards, Philippe