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I have a very elaborate Front Panel, developed in LabVIEW 8.6, which I'd like to import into my LabWindows/CVI 2013 development environment.


The background is that the new company colleagues are very proficient in C and want to use LabWindows/CVI to re-program the current state of the software and maintain and update only using LabWindows/CVI in the future.


This would be very usefull, since it would save a lot of time and keep the naming of the elements in the front panel as-is. For the customers it would mean, having the same tool they are used to work with and receive much faster and better service when it comes to changes or additional functionality.


If there is already a way to do this I'd be happy to have a step by step guide.  


According to the feedback from the forum, this still doesn't exist. (



In the RF Signal Generator driver declaration, (i.e. niRFSG.h), there are several instrument driver function declarations that generates arbitrary waveforms. Namely;


   niRFSG_WriteArbWaveform   (which should be named "niRFSG_WriteArbWaveformF64" for uniformity)






Although, some of them are only declarated but not installed yet.

I strongly propose to add to this list, a new function "niRFSG_WriteArbWaveformI16", which seems to be the most easiest and often used in many cases.

(I don't understand why it is not in the declaration in the first place.)


I kindly ask for your consideration.




I would like to have the possibility to change the parent panel of an already loaded panel.

This could be nice in order to switch between floating or docked panels in an easy way.


Best regards.


Find Variable Info When In Release Build


If I build a debug build I can go to definition.  As soon as I switch to release mode this doesn't work.  If a debug build has been completed can't you just get the information even if it's wrong?  The majority will be correct and would save time switching back and forth.

Tabbed Search Results


Have file searching similar to SlickEdit where you can keep creating tabs and then auto increment between them to swich between serach results.

In CVI 2013 is option “Run -> Attach to Process…” and new is option “<< Running >> -> Detach from a process” during debugging, which is very good to  debug TestStand sequence and CVI DLL, advantageous if I need to update CVI code and do not have to launch TestStand again and again after new CVI code is builded.  Hovewer, to attach CVI DLL to a process is always necessary to do next steps: Run -> Attach to Process…, then select process from a list (seqedit.exe) and click OK. I would appreciate similar option as “Specify Executable to Debug…” or key shortcut to attach process directly to TestStand in one click or using simple key shortcut.





Hi, All:

     As you know, Use "ExcelRpt_GetCellRangeAttribute" can get cellrange attribute.

     When pass parameter with "ER_CR_ATTR_ROW_HEIGHT" will get the number of characters.

     How can I get the real width like pass parameter with "ER_CR_ATTR_ROW_HEIGHT" will get the points.

The following choices are availables:

[Program Files]
[Program Files (x86)]
[Windows Volume]
[Program Data]
[Public Documents]
[Common Files]
[Common Files (x86)]
[Start Menu]
[Send To]
[National Instruments]
[National Instruments (x86)]
[CVI Shared]
[CVI Public Documents]
[IVI Std Root]


The User folder corresponding to CSIDL_PROFILE is not available. And no way to use it.

Bonjour à tous


Je suis en BTS et viens de commencer à utiliser LabWindows/CVI.

Je génère deux signaux carrés sur les ports PFI4/P1.0 et PFI5/P1.1 d'un USB-6210 mais je veux déphser celui du port PFI5/P1.1 par rapport à l'autre de 90°


Est ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plait???

While editing the code, pressing Ctrl+Shift+U or selecting Right-Click+Find UI object jumps directly to the object identified in the code (either the control constant name or the associated callback name).

This works well if the control is on a single panel: the correct panel is shown in the working area of the editor scrolling through the file if needed. If the target control is on page of a tab control, however, the UIR editor opens in the upper left corner of the UIR file; actually the correct control is selected on the tab page, but if it is located out of the editor screen area in the UIR file you need to manually scroll right- and/or downward to show it.


Please correct it: it's not always obvious where the target control is located in the UIR file, wespecially if this one is rather complex, with several panels/controls.



It would be handy at times to be able to get a string of a numeric control which represents the value exactly as it is displayed in the numeric control.  For example if the control shows "123.456E+9" or then there would be some way to get that exact string (other than reading the value as a number then formatting it into a string, of course).  I envision this could either be a new function call, or perhaps a non-settable attribute that can be obtained with GetCtrlAttribute(...) (the latter would of course benefit from being able to use GetCtrlAttributeLimited(...) ).  Thanks.



I know from previous discussions that CVI formatting and scanning functions are no longer going to be updated, but I thought I would suggest this anyway.  It would be nice if there was a format modifier to specify engineering notation for the formatting functions .  Note that the standard C library functions also lack this functionality, and since I don't think it would be a good idea to change the behaviour of the standard library functions, here's an opportunity to improve the CVI versions Smiley Wink.



Initialisation de l'' 'application de la norme PCI 6220 carte

The Find dialog currently doesn't store its text search settings (e.g. Case sensitive, Whole word) if the User cancels the dialog.



The Find dialog only stores its text search settings if the user explicitly performs a file search. The disadvantage of this behaviour, is that the user has to reconfigure his search settings after cancelling the dialog. Users may sometimes open the Find dialog, configure some search settings and then (probably accidentally) cancel the dialog, but then open the dialog again to perform the actual search. This way the previous search settings are reset and lost.



I suggest that the search setting should be stored somehow in the CVI ADE, such that the search settings persist in the text editor, despite of the user cancelling the Find dialog.

I also think that this should apply for other text search dialogs (like, Find in Files, Replace, Replace in Files). This behaviour of a text search dialog is particularly accepted by other mainstream text editors and IDEs.



  1. Search settings are stored even if the user cancels the Find dialog.
  2. User doesn't have to explicitly invoke a find operation through the Find dialog, in order to have search settings (mainly the 'Case sensitive' setting) influence the Quick Search (Ctrl + Q) functionality. This is by far, the most helpful use case for this change. It's quite cumbersome to always have to performs a Find operation through a find dialog, in order to change the case sensitivity of the Quick Search feature, particularly because the find operation takes extra steps and causes distraction (displays the Find Results window).

As discussed here:

LuisG called out that the ProcessSystemEvents() may or may not clear all of the System events queue. Could this callback return a percentage scorecard or a Boolean reply on the status of events?



I have two suggestions concerning this menu:


First, I'd like to have the option NOT to show the Build window if there is no error. Right now, I edit code, test run the code, and then have to close the Build Output window every time because it uses place (if you use a split screen it does make a difference...). Yes, I could change the height of the Build Output window, but then if there is an error I don't see it...


Suggestion: Add an option 'Always show Build output' or similar.


Second, make the checkmarks in the window menu modal and consistent


what does a checkmark in the Window menu of CVI mean? At present, not much...


If you select 'Build Output', this menu item shows a checkmark and the Build output window is displayed - sounds reasonable.

If one then selects 'Source Code Browser', the checkmark moves on to the new selection, although both windows are displayed there is only one checkmark. So no checkmark does not imply that there is no window...

Selecting a checked menu item does not undo the action, the checkmark remains and the window, too. I find this, hm, special... and would like to have it changed to a modal operation.

When you place a splitter control on a panel with several controls and want to attach a few of them to the splitter, you can define for each of them whether the splitter moves or resizes the control ("attachment mode"). At present, however, this must be made individually control by control, which is time wasting if you have a bunch of similar controls to attach and define.


I suggest the splitter control is added the ability to select more controls and set for all of them the attachment mode in a single pass. Limiting this possibility to similar controls (e.g. only numerics or tables selected) can be accepted if this simplifies checks the editor does in this operation.


(this suggestion refers to CVI up to 2012SP1, I cannot check it for more recent releases)

A control tooltip is hidden if the space below the control is overlapped by another panel.

I understand that the displayed tooltip is a panel, if so cant the floating style be changed so it is always on top ?

Basically the API should provide

GetCVIDir(char **path);                                    // return an array of paths to the different CVI versions installed

GetCVIFilesTemplateDir(const char *path2CVI, char *path);  // if path2CVI is NULL, path target the most recent vesion of CVI installed

GetCVIProjectTemplateDir(const char *path2CVI, char *path);

GetCVISampleDir(const char *pathchar *path);



It is always possible to write such functions but for example, for the samples directory this is a pain because you need to resolve the CVI Samples.lnk file using IShellLink interface, OLE32 etc.

Best regards, Philippe

To make a long story short : Breakpoints should be a kind of "3 or 4 states round-robin object" with some sort of memory regarding the condition (if any)


Let me explain...


Let start on one line with an empty margin
first click  : set breakpoint     - red diamond
second click : disable breakpoint - grey diamond
third click  : delete breakpoint  - empty margin


At this point, when the user click again and again in the margin he can see the red, grey and empty margin cyclically. Yes, 3 clicks are now needed in order to recover an empty margin (instead of 2 actually)

The behavior above ehance the existing behavior. Indeed, it gives more option to the user (disable breakpoint) without changing the way of working. In addition, it help users to discover breakpoints can be disable.


Now let's look the case where, at one point the user set a condition for the breakpoint


Again, let's start on one line with an empty margin
first click  : set breakpoint     - red diamond
right click  : edit breakpoint    - yellow rectangle (should be yellow diamond, small change in the display)
second click : disable breakpoint - grey diamond (instead of grey rectangle, this is a disable breakpoint)
third click  : delete breakpoint  - empty margin


Then, when the user click again and again in the margin he can see the red, yellow, grey diamonds and empty margin cyclically. 
Please note that the latest condition of the conditional breakpoint is set/recall automatically when the yellow diamond appears (memory effect). 


Again, the behavior above ehance the existing behavior. The key point is that you "do not loose" your condtionnal breakpoint when you click on it. I know it is not true since the breakpoint is still in the list of breakpoints but this is a frustrating experience when you click on a yellow recetangle and whe you see it "disapear".

Last but not least, overing a yellow diamond (rectangle) should display the condition in a tooltips (passcount = x - condition is : "sdfsdfsf"). I know it has been already propose and it is under consideration.


Best regards, Philippe