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It would be nice for the distribution to be in one installer able file.

Which i could then send to a customer.




I was operating on Pop-ups,I felt need of feature like java.


In Java when we have display Message we can easily concatenate variable with message string by using '+' sign.




    In LabWindows,when do message pop up,



    int var = 3;


    MessagePopup("Message count","Message No : "+var);




     such a feature should be there.otherwise we do some string operation then Display message like " Message No : 3".


    So it increases string operations and string operations gives problem in memory management.


So at least In API's such '+' sign for concatenation of string with variables should be available.

Even if it is C language supported.




I am still happy that the tooltips have been moved from the Programmer's Toolbox to the UI editor. Smiley Happy


Now when using them on a more regular basis it turns out that the programmer might grant the user the option to show / hide them. As a result, I would need to programmatically browse through all controls to change the respective parameter (the same is true for the delay time).


Hence I propose providing two new, more or less global attributes (these could possibly be panel attributes) that set the tooltip enable/disable status and the on/off delay times for all tooltips (on a panel).


This feature is not urgent as it can be implemented already now with some effort, but it might make code a bit shorter and simpler Smiley Wink


The more 'urgent' tooltip requests are here...

As suggested about two years ago ( I am still looking for a possibility to explicitly show the positive sign of a numeric value in numeric controls, i.e. the control should display '+6.789' instead of '6.789'.


Phrased differently I would like to have one more attribute 'SHOW_POSITIVE_SIGN' that could be set to


0: don't show the plus sign, i.e. display numbers as is implemented now, default

1: show plus sign for positive numbers

2: show plus sign for positive numbers and zero



When working on laptops the room space in the UIR editor is relatively small compared to the size of actual wide desktop videos. Moreover, starting from CVI 2010 the user interface browser consumes additional room to the right of the editor, thus leaving only a few space to design/review panels.

It would be a good addition the possibility to preview an entire panel on the screen, with the ability to zoom in and out so that one can have an idea of the final aspect the panel will have.


Hovering over the breakpoint diamond, a tooltip should display the breakpoint condition.



Useful breakpoint information, such as the breakpoint condition, line number or hit count could be displayed when hovering over the breakpoint diamond in the source editor. Otherwise, you would get this kind of information by looking at the breakpoint in the Breakpoints Window or the Edit Breakpoint Window.

Somewhat similar to SetBreakOnLibraryError, I suggest the addition of a function that does a breakpoint when the specific attribute of a panel/control changes.
It could work like this:

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, Attribute)

with also:

ClearBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, Attribute) // Use -1 to clear them all

SetBreakOnPanelAttributeChange(panel, Attribute),

ClearBreakOnPanelAttributeChange(panel, Attribute) // Use -1 to clear them all


Example of use:

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, ATTR_CTRL_VAL)

SetBreakOnCtrlAttributeChange(panel, control, ATTR_VISIBLE)

We hear all the time that should write code that is reuseable. It is difficult to plan so far ahead, so I listen to the preachers but seldom follow them.

However, it is clearely easier to use snippets, code fragments, that I put together for something, even tested them and I remember that I have done that once, but finding it again is too much hassle, it is just 3 lines, 5 lines of code. It owuld be nice to be able to manage such snippets, copy them, tag them,or even share them; I recon, there are snippet libraries out there;,out of sight, out of reach;  but it would be really nice when the need arises, - you know that nagging dejavue feeling- than I could find them, bag them an use them... With time, even nice and practical libraries could grow out of them snippets... 🙂




this is a minor issue but still it can be very inconvenient... Very inconvenient because it almost always happens to me that if editing a menu bar I inadvertently mess it up. This is because if one is inserting a new item or child item, after pressing the 'Insert Item' or 'Insert Child Item' button the active control is set to 'Constant name', see below.


item name active control.png



But I am never editing the 'Constant name' but always the 'Item name' (and callback function, modifier key...). Hence I almost always start typing the item name until I realize that I was editing the wrong field.


So my suggestion is to consider changing the active control after one of the insert buttons has been pressed to 'Item name'.

The active configuration (Debug, Release, custom ones, ...) is shown in the bottom-right corner of the status bar (see attached config01.jpg).

I think that it would be better if this would be a menu ring that can be used to change the active configuration, without having to select Build >> Configuration >> xxxx (see config02.jpg)



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Hi Everyone!


In these days, I have been debugging a complex application(almost 12,000 lines of code) and it was very hard to do a map showing the relationshing at least of some critical functions.


For this reason, I consider that a very helpful debugging tool could be to add in LabWindows/CVI, a window like the VI Hierarchy in LabVIEW; that shows the relationship beetween the functions inside all the module in a CVI project. This windows will show which functions calls a particular function.


Here, there is a very simple example:






right clicking in the source code brings up a popup menu, see below.


Some of its items are dimmed or adapted to the context. For example, 'Format File' versus 'Format Selection'. This is nice and as I would expect it for a context menu!


Unfortunately, there are some entries that are available even if they are more ore less superfluous.


For example, 'Edit DAQ task' shows up even if no DAQ is installed. Selecting this menu entry only shows 'This feature requires DAQmx' - so why not dim it if no DAQmx library is available?


The same is true for 'Edit IVI Specific Driver Attributes...' and the IVI library.


But also 'Recall Function Panel', 'Browse Identifier' and 'Find UI object' don't care about their context.

'Open Quoted Text' for example, does! (which is good)


So I would suggest to have the popup menu act more consistently and only provide commands that are meaningful.




popup menu.png

I added the tab control into panel to my project. Overtime, I added 20 items into the single Tab Control. But since were so many items in the tab control, I decided to re-arrange items (indexes) in the tab control by either moving them left or right depending on the alphabetical order. But here is my problem.


Since I re-arranged the items (indexes), the indexes have all changed for all the items. Now I have to go everywhere the function GetPanelHandleFromTabPage is called and manually update the index numbers to match panel handles for the index. There are 20 different places where this could occur. The number of items (indexes) on the tab control could grow even more and may have to be re-arranged again in the future. Just a big pain.


Suggestion for improvement: Provide a another function that can obtain the index of the item on the tab control dynamically. This could be done by using the "Constant name:" issued in the edit tab panel of the edit tab control. So if the items (index) inside the tab control are re-arranged then the index value for that item is carried with the new index value.


Also the index would be included in the header file generated by the panel editor for CVI so that now the index value can be used thus eliminating the hard coded the index value.

I'd like to be able to use custom backgrounds for controls like knobs, dials, and gauges.  I'd also like to be able to change the needle image as well.

Implement HTTP Requests into a CVI Library that can perform get, head, put and post functions for connectivity to devices that are wireless or connected to an ethernet cable. Also provoide a mechanism for the body and header from the HTTP Request message. Currently LabView has this capability for HTTP Requests but Lab Windows CVI does not. The work around solution is to use .Net Controllers for HTTP Requests for Lab Windows CVI. See example:



  • Right now, the Break on»Library Errors function break happens for all library errors. I would like to suggest a more granular setting, i.e. break on file I/O errors, math errors, etc.


  • An additional (and most relevant) feature I suggest is the option to allow to temporarily exclude certain errors; let's say I have a loop doing some calculations and these calculations result in an ERANGE error, then it would be useful to get notified by the debugger, but only once for this loop, not 500 times... Hence after a break on library error I would like to have the (right click) option 'exclude further breaks of this function'. This should be valid for the current execution and be automatically reset when the program is restarted.


  • Also, the menu command should provide the possibility to override all SetBreakOnLibraryError functions.


Many thanks!



I miss a display format that will automatically switch from Floating Point to Scientific if the displayed number exceeds a certain threshold.


Lets say, 1 234 should be displayed as 1234, but 123 456 789 123 456 789 should be displayed as 1.2345 E17 because typically such a large number of digits is not meaningful. This display format is considered to be useful both for regular numeric controls but also for graphs, because right now very long numbers increase the frame size and decrease the remaining graph size. Of course, one could do this automatically, after plotting a new plot analyze the new plot for maxima and minima and then adjust the display format accordingly. What I suggest that this is done automatically, similar to the good old 'G' formatting option.


As a consequence, this new display format would require an additional attribute when to change from Floating Point to Scientific and vice verse, say NUMBER_OF_USEFUL_DIGITS. Default might be 6 digits.


I consider this wish important because right now, when plotting functions on a graph where the range is not known in advance, this may result in much too many displayed digits. Even 17 digits (resolution of double) will not be meaningful in most cases, while for numbers such as 12.5 there is no need to use an exponent...


Thanks a lot!

I've been looking around for a way to open the LabWindows/CVI print dialog box. It appears when you call the PrintCtrl function, does NOT appear in the PrintTextFile or PrintTextBuffer functions, and there is no function to open it directly; I need to print from a text buffer and would like to open it directly from a Print Setup menu function. The best recommendations that I have received are either use the Windows PrintDlg function, or to kludge the text into a hidden control and print the control. I highly recommend either adding it to all user interface library print functions or allow the user to call it directly.

I am happy to see that the suggestion of integrating the tooltips into the UI editor was successful. Now I would like to see better, more powerful tooltips Smiley Happy


In particular, I suggest


  • adding another tooltip attribute allowing the tooltip to disappear automatically after a given time (default of say 3-5 seconds); hence the tooltip would show up with the tooltip delay, show for this specified appearance time, and then disappear automatically. I think that this is the most frequently encountered behavior in other programs. Setting this attribute value to 0 or -1 would imply "show infinitely long"
  • adding an attribute TOOLTIPS_WIDTH that would allow for automatic linebreaks, similar to the behavior found in textboxes. Right now, tooltips get infinitely long if no line breaks are inserted manually. Linebreaks, however, depend on font size etc... The width should be specified in pixels (possibly with a default of say 400)
  • adding an attribute TOOLTIPS_WRAP_MODE, specifying the wrap mode (character/word/...) as in textboxes
  • the possibility of simple text formatting, such as bold or italics. For illustration have a look at the CVI UI editor control panel, e.g. of a text box. Click on the question mark in the upper right corner of the window and then on e.g. line mode: This shows a nice example of what I would like to have to better explain different options (of say a ring control) in a clear way
  • additional tooltips for column headers, row headers, even for every cell of a table: Tooltips of a complete table control may not always be useful, while I have several scenarios in mind where these added tooltips would be most useful: - explain the table columns: typically, due to space constraints, table headers are pretty brief and so extra information could be provided via tooltips for each individual column header. - if a table gets larger and is scrolled, table headers disappear: One could use tooltips (per column) to remind the user what he is actually seeing in column 17...


Thanks Smiley Wink



It seems that one cannot cut/copy/paste menu items between multiple menubars.  If I copy an item in one menu bar, exit the 'Edit Menu Bar' dialog, then open the 'Edit Menu Bar' dialog for another menubar the paste buttons are dimmed.  It would handy at times to be able to do this.  Thanks.