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Wenn ein Rechner nicht am Nezt ist, vielleicht das Kabel nicht richtig drin oder am Platz kein Netz mehr frei ist, dann wird CVI mit einer eingeeschränkten Testlizenz gestartet und würde dann eine EXE generieren, welche in der Laufzeit eingeschränkt ist. Oft ist es der Fall, dass jemand CVI ohne Netzt started um im Quelltext etwas zu kontrollieren. Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erstellt jemand eine EXE neu und bemerkt nicht, dass das gestartete CVI keine Lizenz hat, obwohl der Rechner Netz hat. Er müsste erst CVI neustarten um die Lizenz zu holen.
Den Fehler bemerkt er erst am Folgetag, wo das Programm mit einem Fehler abgebrochen wird.
Es wäre aus meiner Sicht sehr sinnvoll, dass eine EXE, welche durch CVI ohne Lizenz erstellt wird, auch einen Popup mit eingebaut bekommt, welcher hiervor warnt.
Auch eine Abfrage, welche der Progrmmierer in sein Programm einbauen kann wäre sehr Hilfreich.



I just discovered a strange and unexpected behavior of EVENT_VAL_CHANGED which requires that I will have to double check all my previous software written in CVI...

For some reason I have assumed that if the EVENT_VAL_CHANGED is triggered on a numeric control the new value will be different from the old one. This may not be true - the value may be still the same!


Since for more experienced users this seems to be a well-known fact I doubt that NI will call it a bug, hence I am suggesting an improved behavior Smiley Wink: Please, for numeric controls, fire the EVENT_VAL_CHANGED event only if the numeric value has changed...


(Right now, if the numeric control displays 1.0000 and I enter '1 ENTER' the value remains the same (at least), but the EVENT_VAL_CHANGED event is triggered...)




PS: Also the documentation seems to be misleading: It (in CVI2010) states:


The EVENT_VAL_CHANGED event is generated continuously while the user is performing an ongoing action which results in the value of a control changing.

Would it be possible to allow ".." to be used as a "Custom Copy Directory" in the "Target Settings" dialog box (for dynamic link library projects)?  Or in other words, I would like the ability to specify that the Custom Copy Directory should always be one up from the project directory.  That way this functionalty won't break when I rename the directory or move the project between computers where the complete path is not the same.  A similar thing would also be handy in the "Specify Executable to Debug" dialog box.  Thanks.

I had a customer associated with SR# 7325346 ask how to change the maximum value for his Y axis in CVI.  I rightfully directed him to the SetAxisScalingMode function.  The customer told me that they were using an equation to determine the Max parameter for their Y axis [YMax=2*x + sqrt(x) + log(x)] or something to that effect.  He also said that the equation could change to something else, and he would like to change the equation on the fly within CVI. 


Basically, he's asking for functionality that would enable a text box to act similar to an Excel cell, which could evaluate simple equations such as add(val1,val2) or sqrt(val3).  We should build a tool that makes this possible.

Running an application in maximized mode (with main window covering the task bar), if you switch to the desktop (i.e. pressing Windows key+D), you are no longer able to return back to your application. You will see your application button in the task bar, but nothing happens clicking on it, nor you successed using Task Manager, you have simply lost your application.

Imagine you need to use a program in maximized mode and the program controls production tools and machineries, involving money and safety issues, it is an embarrassing situation.

I hope you can fix it soon, today I've fixed it training the operators to avoid the hanging sequence.

Thank you.
