LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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Intelligent bookmarks in CVI; backspace key

Status: New

During editing of large programs, I often find myself following a thread of logic through a program, through multiple routines, to find out where it is going. The problem occurs when I want to trace my steps back and take another fork in the program: the current bookmark scheme only lets to go to the next or previous bookmark in line-number sequence, not the order in which they were laid down.


It would be nice if there were some mechanism that could follow the bookmarks back and forth in the order that they were placed  - and allow multiple chains of bookmarks for following different threads of logic. Ideally, a graphical display on a special window  with the file, line number, and subroutine name for each bookmark; perhaps showing the line of code as a "tip" popup when I put the mouse over it.