LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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CVI should not capitalize the first letter of the project name in the Workspace tree

Status: New

Not a big deal in my point of view...


  1. Create a new workspace
  2. Create a new .c file
  3. SHIFT F5
  4. Give a name to the c file when needed
  5. Make sure it does not have a capitalized first letter (dummy.c for example)
  6. CVI then create dummy.cws, dummy.prj and dummy.exe

However, the name of the project in the workspace tree has a first letter capitalized (upper case)

See below the screen capture


This may not be what the user want to see

This is purely cosmectic since opening the cws or the prj file with a text editor one can see the workespace/project use the correct name (no upper case letter)

The only solution so far is to manually go to Edit then "Project.." and modify the project label


Does it make sense?

  1. Yes because the user may have naming convention for project names, project hierachy on disk etc...  and he may want to be sure to see thoses reflected in the workspace tree 
  2. Yes because by default CVI should not act in the name of the user. If the user want upper case letter for the project name then he should type it otherwise CVI should simply follow the user instructions (and not add upper case letter at the begining of project filename)


Regards, Philippe


