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Add a Function to Set Attributes of a File Select Popup Dialog

Status: New

The FileSelectPopup dialog in LabWindows/CVI does not allow the programmer to set attributes for the dialog, such as sort order for files in the dialog. 


Similar functionality already exists for other functions in CVI, such as SetPrintAttribute to set attributes for a file to be printed. It'd be extremely convenient to have a SetFileSelectAttribute with options such as VAL_SORT. 


It shouldn't be necessary to set these attributes to use the FileSelectPopup dialog; their use would simply change the settings from their default values.




Daniel E.

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

NI Employee (retired)

To clarify, format for the function would be similar to the following:




Where attribute could be something such as ATTR_SORT, and

where value could be something like VAL_NEWEST_FILE_FIRST or VAL_OLDEST_FILE_FIRST





Proven Zealot

If I may add some possible settable attributes:


  • Hide folders in case RestrictDirectory = True
  • Permit multiple limited selection: at present only one selection can be limited with RestrictExtension = True, if more than one extension is desired, the user can select every type of file, even with unknown extension. A ShowAllTypes = False attribute could be handy so that *.* is not shown and a control is made on all extensions supplied in FileTypeList

Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.

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