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where to look for missing .lsb files

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Hi. Here is my problem, maybe you can advice me well.

I have an old .vi in Labview 4.0, which is working fine under Windows 98.

My final goal is to make it work under Windows 7, Labview 2010.

I know that first, i have to open the vi in LV 8.0, save for previous version 8.0, and then open it in LV 2010.  Generally, these tasks are working fine with other vi. I had good results with other vi.

But, for my situation, this old vi needs from Labview 4.0 some CIN libraries (.lsb files). It gives me errors because of them.

Here it is:














I searched for those files in Labview 4.0 and 8.0 without success. I think a copy/paste will help as i did with other missing subvi's.

So my question is: How can i find them and "export" them in Labview 8.0 ?

Is it possible to find them elsewhere on the web ? Or maybe you have it ?


You must know that i have no experience working with external libraries.




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Message 1 of 6

An lsb is not an external file. They were part of the VI that used a CIN. It sounds like functions from an old version of the DAQ driver. Are these VIs that are part of an llb? If so, you need to remove them and install a newer version of the traditional DAQ driver. Then, probably rewrite using DAQmx functions.

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Message 2 of 6

Indeed, i use DAQ 700, a pcmcia old daq card.

I don't know where to look for.

I don't have any llb.

I have an old vi + lots of subvi + lots of .lsb

These 11 lsb's are missing. Labview 8.0 says that it's looking for a CIN file (lsb).


I don't think i understand the last part : "If so, you need to remove them and install a newer version of the traditional DAQ driver."



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Message 3 of 6
Accepted by topic author dsasorin

The only way you can have old DAQ VIs with a CIN is if those VIs were saved in an llb. To prevent LabVIEW from loading them, they have to be removed from the llb. Then, if you install the latest version of traditional DAQ, LabVIEW will load that and the latest version does not use CINs. You will then have to rewrite the program to use DAQmx functions since that is the only driver with support for windows 7.

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Message 4 of 6

I'll try this way. Anyway, I think i forgot to tell you that i don't want to use anymore this old daq card. I want to use an M series DAQ.

Does this change thinks ?  

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Message 5 of 6

Hi, Dennis. It seems to work.

I test daq 700 card on Labview 4.0.1 with win xp sp3 with traditional drivers v.6.9.3 together with v.4.9.0. I think v.6.9.3 is used because in MAX 2.2 i see good response, insteed v.4.9.0, which is not working with included old configuration utility.

I think your advice to save in advanced in .llb format had succed. I am 95% confident that the will work completely. I test it to one specific point where cables are nedeed. Its behavior is similar on Windows 98.


The next step will be to install labview 8.2 and make the .vi work. Then on Labview 2010.

Then to remove DAQ 700 and use NI 6210 DAQ on USB.


Wish me luck.



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Message 6 of 6