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transition to windows 7



 Currently I use labview 8.21 on XP along with NIDAQ,GBIP and some other hardware. I have LV on 2 development machienes and usually I build exe files for the computers running the experiments. So, LV runtime and NIDAQ(V.8.7???) on them. In the near future I would like to use windows 7 on a few machienes, but I wont be able to make a sudden transition for all of them. In principle I would prefer the 64bit version but I can live with 32bit as well. It would be easiest for me if I could stay with LV8.21 for a while, but if not I can also upgrade (campus liscence). Of course I dont want to mantain different source code versions....


I'm looking for some advice and experiences from people with a similar scenario. In particular I'm asking the following:


1) does LV 8.21 run (painless) on Windows 7?

2) which NIDAQ drivers do I need for W7 and are there any incompatibilities to previous versions (8.7)

3) what about 64bit and application builder? Does it create 32,  64 or both executables?

4)  Could I use a 32 bit LV version on a 64bit host?


Any comments are welcome, thanks!



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Hi Klaus,


First of all, here you find the Product Compatibility of NI Products with Windows 7.


To your questions:


1) does LV 8.21 run (painless) on Windows 7?

    LV8.2.1 does not support Windows7 

2) which NIDAQ drivers do I need for W7 and are there any incompatibilities to previous versions (8.7)

    Nov09 of Device Driver CD. Have a look at the link I posted

3) what about 64bit and application builder? Does it create 32,  64 or both executables?

    There is a 32bit LabVIEW where the Application Builder creates a 32bit exe and a 64bit LabVIEW where it creates a 64bit exe

4)  Could I use a 32 bit LV version on a 64bit host?

    Yes. It runs in the 32 bit emulation layer (WOW)


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