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timer vs textbox

if i have an array and if there is only one value inside, a text message appears for one second and then disappears. if there is more than one value, i want to show the first one.if i don´t receive nothing, i hold a few seconds, and if suddenly somethig appears, it stops what was doing. i don´t know i make a timer and receive other values from serial port ...its is like a thread!!?
help me
Thanks all
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Message 1 of 9
Is this a "stream of consciousness" message?  It seems like a bunch of random thoughts strung together with words missing..Smiley Wink  I don't understand what it is you are trying to do.
Can you rewrite this more clearly?  Lay out step by step what you are trying to do and what actions are to be taken in each condition.
Is this to be some dialog box?  Is it part of a larger application?  What else is going on?
"if suddenly somethig appears, it stops what was doing"  If what appears?, from where?, stop what?

Message Edited by Ravens Fan on 11-30-2007 09:48 PM
Message 2 of 9

i'm receiving data from the seral port and what i want to do is this:
-if i receive one value, i will show a message saying "hello" for one second
-if i receive more than one value, i want to shou the corresponding message for each value.
-i need to have a temporizer, because in case i receive only value i want to show the message for one second; but i
also need to be checking if i receive more values, because if i do, the message must be altered
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Message 3 of 9
It depends on how you are writing the application.  You can use Queues and put each serial message in the queue and have the GUI pull the messages off the queue and display them for one second.  You can search the LabVIEW examples for queues.
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Message 4 of 9

what i want is something like this...

numeric is a number os data that i receive the serial port, and boolean is a variavel that indicate if i received or nt data by serial port,

what i want to do is verify if receive data by serial port an if i receive interrupt and show ather message .. but liek stya my code i have to wait 1 minute to do this...this is my problem




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Message 5 of 9

Try looking at

Help >>> Find Examples...

Hardware Input and Output >>> Serial >>> Basic Serial Read and

and set the timeout as you require. The error cluster will tell you if you had a timeout.


Message Edited by Ben on 12-01-2007 12:43 PM
Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 6 of 9
i already have all the data worked.. the only thing that is missing is this, that i´m asking about..
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Message 7 of 9

Hi Jonasdias,

Would you prefer to post your question in another language?

Someone will translate.

Trying to help,


Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 8 of 9

If i undertand...

you need 2 while loops run in parrallel. The first one will continiously read the serial port and the other one will display your message.

The first one must send the "action" (a command) to the second. (probably with a queue )

Take a look to the producer/consumer design pattern

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Message 9 of 9