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sensirion ek-h5 or Humidity Sensor SHT21 for labview

Dear all,


I have a Sensirion evaluation kit for humidity and temperature measurement, with selfmade visualizer; but I want to acquire data via LabView.

There is LV code for ek-h4, but not for ek-h5.


Has anyone developed code for ek-h4?

Of course, LV code for the sensor itself would also be very appreciated (sht21).

Any other suggestions?



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We have instrument drivers for the sht71 and sht 75. There is a discussion forum where another customer was able to tweak these drivers to work with their sht11 and a NI usb-6009.


Danny Funk

Applications Engineer

Danny Funk -- Senior Group Manager -- Software R&D -- NI
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Hello Danny,


Thank you, I had already seen the post about sh11 and 6009, this will be my second option if I don't succed, but preffered to check for ek-h5 or sht21 drivers.


Seems as there are no drivers available nor self-built .vi from other users.

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I'm afraid I do not have an answer, however I would just like to register my interest in solving the same issue.

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ADeller and Usuario


Sorry but we only have drivers for the sht71 and sht75. Therefore attempting to modify them is your best bet.


Danny Funk

Danny Funk -- Senior Group Manager -- Software R&D -- NI
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ADeller and Usuario, Did you have any luck making modifications to enable a driver for the SHT21?


Danny F, do you know if any Labview drivers have been created for the SHT21 in the time since ADeller and Usario's posts?


I have the same need. Thanks.

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Drivers specifically for the SHT21 have not been created. All of our drivers can be found at the following link Take note that there is a spot to request a driver at the top of the page.



Danny F

Danny Funk -- Senior Group Manager -- Software R&D -- NI
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I have written a LabView code to retrieve temperature and humidity from Sensirion's SHT75 sensor, through their Evaluation Kit EK-H5.

The USB Dongle is in fact a modified version of Code Mercenaries's USB Dongle including a IOWarrior24 micro-controller, and a +3.3V power supply. It can be talked to using a modified version of the iowkit.dll developped by Code Mercenaries. This needed DLL is included in Sensirion's Viewer software (installer @ ... _V2.12.msi).


The code can be readily modified for other Sensirion sensors by modifying some commands in the sub VI's.

However, I still don't know how to read or write the "status register" of the SHT75 sensor.

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What an AWESOME post!


Here is a question for the EKP-3 using the USB for the SDP6xx Here is an overview of what I am looking for... I see


I have the Sensirion EK-P3 Stick to talk to the pressure transducer..

This stick is made by these guys:


My question is how did you figure out the binary code to read the T and RH from the  iowkit.dll


I want to read the RAW TICKS from the device that represent pressure. They go from 0 - 65535 and I have spied on it with WireShark and can not wrangle the binary code to read the raw ticks I am after.


I made a video you can look at to see what I want from my learnings from this post:


I attached the DLL as well (Just rename it to iowkit.dll because LabVIEW does nol like dll's in attachments... so you do not have to mess with the msi.


You may contact me directly at


Pardon the post under a new topic but I was advised to post it in a "new thread"... If this is a no-no let me know...



Dave Korpi




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