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remotely display images continuously acquired from a real-time target

Hi, all


I have problem of remotely diaplaying the images continuously acquired from a real-time target (a converted desktop PC).  I tried two ways to do that.


First, I tried the web publishing tool to publish the front panel which shows the images on the real time target and monitor this front panel from a remote PC through a html file. However, each time I opened the  html file, it showed an error of invalid server IP address.  I checked possible reasons such as enable the web server or locate the html file in the root directory of the web server, but none works,  so anyone has a solution or idea on that?


Second, I also tried to setup a shared variable node for the acquired raw image, publish the image (image out), and display it by another VI on the remote PC. However, since the image is acquired by the camera in the real-time target PC, the corresponding shared variable node can only set to be target-relative ( the option for absolute is disabled ). Therefore, error arises from this real-time target-relative shared variable unable to be recognized on a remote PC, so failed the remote image displaying.  So do you have any solution to this problem?


Any idea is greatly appreciated.





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Perhaps this link may be of some use?


Streaming Images from a Compact Vision System to a Local AVI



Patricia B.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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