> Does anyone know why there is no round "new" decorations in LV6? Under
> "classic" decorations there is a sub-pallet that has some round objects.
> But, what I really want is a raised new style bezel that's round!
> Is there a way to create user decorations??? (without them being huge
> bitmaps!)
The main reason there aren't more round decorations is that most
applications call for square ones. That doesn't mean there aren't round
ones to choose from, it means that you will need to copy them from
existing controls using the control editor.
Drop one of the Booleans or numerics that you want to borrow from.
Popup and choose Advanced>>Customize. In the control editor you can
either click on the tool button or choose the Windows>>Parts Window.
the control is splayed out, you can popup on any part of the
control and Copy the Image. You can then paste these in your
application, make Booleans from them or whatever you like.
Greg McKaskle