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overlay a data file on real time video

Hi all,

Here's the things that I want to achieve.


There is a data which come from the FPGA and I will transfer it into a countor. On the other hand, there's a web cam which can acquire the video. I want to overlay the data onto the real time greyscale video. This is the ultimate goal that I want. Just like the acoutic camera.


The code that I attached had three parts.

1.Input the excel file (which I created from Matlab), and use the plot helper to form the plot like contour plot or 3D mesh plot. processing (I need this video to be greyscale, so I did some threshold,edge detection...etc.)

3.After I saved picture  in step 1, I input this picture in order to overlay onto the video. (For now, I didn't consider the data from FPGA,only want to pass the data directly to the video)


So I got fraustated by some problems, how to pass the data directly to the video so I don't have to save as a file first. Second one, you can see that my video is greyscale, how to overlay the transparent data onto the greyscale video? The biggest problem is that I can't use the library in vision development module,like I can't use the "IMAQ ColorImageTo Array" component, I need to use something like "Get Image Data'', I need to know what happens in the procedure. I need to know every single points when I move in front of the camera....


Thanks for your kindly reply :))



 data file

 overlay image onto


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