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oldinstall no longer in 6.1

With LabVIEW 6i the suggested method for making an installation set was to do it in the application builder. This however is often not practical; the application might have been built previously to do testsing prior to making the installation set, ther emight be a lot of files that I want to include in the set and I want the set to be segmented into (floppy) disks....Fortunately the old installer was still available in the oldinstall.llb file under project....With LabVIEW 6.1 however the old installer seems to have been abandonded completely, and making installation sets from already built executables and with lots of additional files (no add directory available)...seems not to be possible anymore. Do we need to buy an installer maker from
a third party...or is there some tricks I have overseen (it would be nice if National Instruments saw the features now lost and included them in their new alternative...if they really are gone now).
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3
Hi Mads,
I agree with you.
When I have to create an installer of a huge application (lots of external files), I use the App.builder only to create the .EXE; then I use the package Installshield to create the installer.
I got a free edition version in the Visual Studio 5 package; it takes some time to learn how to use it, but it is extremely powerful.
Check on the site whether you can get a free or evaluation version.

Good luck,

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Message 2 of 3

Indeed the applications Builder in LabVIEW 6.1 has changed, refer to the following KnowledgeBase:

As far as the segmentation into floopy disks goes, it is true that's it's not present anymore due to the fact that App. Builder uses msi installer. You can still span the installer with Winzip if you need to.

Another big advantage of generating MSI installers is that you can modify them in Wise, Installshield or with Orca (free from MS), if you need to add or change something afterwards. However, National Instruments doesn't support this. Refer to this Knowledge Base:


Cyril Bouton
Active LabVIEW Developper
Message 3 of 3