Hello Wolfgang
There are many approcaches to use labview with the QMG220.
As the communication is based on OPC the difficulty is that you have to set up an OPC client in labview.
Many toolktits are available for building OPC clients.
The easiest would be the labview DSC module but tis is propably the most expensive solution.
Other manufacturer are Softing, Advosol et.
The main problem is that most of this toolkits are taylored to be used with visual studio.
Our solution was to use the Softing toolbox.net, so we make the .NET calls from within labview.
Up to now it worked fine but now we encountered some problems when doing fast measurements. We are loosing sometimes data (about 1 of 20000) datasets.
We are still in evolution to solve this.
But note that it is not an easy task to write a complete LV based software to control the QMG220, as it is not so easy like an NI device driver.
There are about 100OPC items where about 40% are neccessary to handle.
Hope this helps you to give a startingpoint of you project.
Gernot Hanel
IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.