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labview 7.1.1compile error crsc=0x40

I cleaned up a group of VIs that a student wrote several years ago.  When I thought I was complete, I clicked on the broken arrow fully expecting to see an error report complaining about a few broken wires hiding somewhere.  Instead the following message was presented:
Compile error reported at Contact NI tech support.
"copy cvt str/pict/tag csrc=0x40"

Checked all the lower level VIs and they compile.
Recompiled library containing bad VI, renamed all files in library and copied the library to another location on the harddrive. Finally I recompiled the entire LV folder. All this to no avail. I still have the error.

What should I do?

Running WinXP OS SP2
LV 7.1.1
hardware: 3 NI-DAQ-PCI6024E

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Message 1 of 7
The error is caused by the wiring of the DAQmx Task.Channels property to the concantanate string function. I'm not sure why you can even wire the two together since you cannot wire a string indicator to the property.
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Message 2 of 7

Dennis is right, the Concatenate Strings function really seems to dislike wiring strings and arrays of DAQmx tasks to it at the same least in LabVIEW 7.1.x.  I don't know if this issue is addressed in LV 8.0 or not, but for now, I think you can workaround it by wiring each of those task arrays into a DAQmx Flatten Channel (found on the DAQmx Advanced > DAQmx Utilities subpalette), and then taking the output string of that VI and wiring that into the Concatenate Strings function.

Hope this helps,


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Message 3 of 7
Thanks for your help.
I replaced the wires connecting the concatenate to the daqMXTask.channels with string constants and the VI compiles.  I know in the past I have been able to connect the IO data type into string functions and connect strings to task inputs.  Maybe it is the array of channel names that is hosing everything.  I will have to come up with another way of dynamically changing the task channel names into strings.
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Message 4 of 7
What is the IO data type?  I thought it was a glorified string that is associated with a DAQ configuration file. 
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Message 5 of 7

Yes, that was my understanding too, although in addition to behaving like a string, the IO datatype can also be wired into Property and Invoke Nodes to function as a reference.


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Message 6 of 7
Thank you all for your help.  As suggested, I used the DAQmx Flatten ch string function to convert the array of channel names to a comma delemented string.  I used the string function Search & Replace string to replace all the commas with tabs.  Finally, I was able to concatenate the channel names correctly.  Once again, thank you for your help.
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Message 7 of 7