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imaq trigger and couple of other VIs not found

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I have a PCI 1409 board and a sony xc 55 camera connected to the imaq a6822 breakout box and this is connected to my IMAQ PCI 1409 board. I followed the instructions given here: and

In step 6 : example program, there is an explanation of needing imaq init and imaq generate pulse and imaq trigger drive etc... is needed. However when I press the start button, labview looks for the imaq.init vi and asks me to choose this vi from a location. However, my understanding is that this should be an in-built vi and should be available for the main program vi to use. 


I am probably missing something here and can not seem to find this VI. Can someone help me as to where I can possibly find these VIs or look for it in my system.




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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Maverick269

Hi N,


The IMAQ Init VI should be part of the IMAQ library (they're installed when the IMAQ driver is installed). You can take a look at this KnowledgeBase article, which lists all the VIs that are installed with IMAQ and Vision Acquisition Software, and you can see where in the palettes they're located. 


It looks like the IMAQ Init VI is installed to the <LabVIEW>\vi.lib\vision\driver\ directory in the file imaqhl.llb, and the other functions should be in similar locations. I hope this helps!



David S.
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks. Yes, I was able to find it in in the driver folder as you mentioned, but in a different library called imaqsignalio.llb

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Message 3 of 3