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how to use HTML form vi

Hi, I am trying to trying to fill up information into a website using labview. It has 3 text inputs and a image submit button. I was wondering if it is possible to fill the HTML with labview. Another question is that if anyone knows an example VI for HTML form VI from the internet toolkit. I don't know the connections and there is no examples out in the net.

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My understanding from your question is that you would like to programmatically (using LabVIEW) send input to and click a button on an existing HTML website, is that right?


If yes, then you can use ActiveX calls to embed a web browser into the front panel of your VI and then use its invoke node to input a text to a form or click a button. Another way is to use the lower-level TCP VIs in LabVIEW, but you need to understand HTTP protocols to successfully use this. See below examples to get started.





FYI, LabVIEW Internet Toolkit has been deprecated starting LabVIEW 2012, so it is not recommended to build a new application using that.


Hope this helps.



A. Yodha

Applications Engineer | National Instruments
Singapore (65) 6226 5886 | Malaysia (60) 3 7948 2000 | Thailand (66) 2 298 4800
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