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how to operate VICI solenoid valves depending on pressure?

Hello everyone,

I need assistance in developing a labview program to operate VICI solenoid valve. I am using labview 2020 community edition. I am attaching the outline of  the process. The pressure value x should be displayed where i can set the x value of pressure. The same applies applies for voltage and time.

so i can run the process either with given X value of pressure, voltage or time.


please find the attached.


your suggestions will be of great help to me.


thanks and regards.

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Message 1 of 5

Hi sudhannair,


this looks like a very nice homework for students: it is homework, right!?


There is no question in your message: what is the problem?

What have you tried so far?

Where are you stuck?

Do you get any errors?

Mind to attach your current VI/project?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 2 of 5

Hi Gerd,

I am a masters student in mechanical engineering doing my research on batteries. so i am basically very new to this software and i have no clue about coding in lab view. I have tried to learn the basics for the past few days. This is not a home work, i am doing my thesis on batteries  to automate my process for speedy results. so my thesis data would be collected after this process. 


i have not done anything because i am pretty much new to this. so that is why i am asking for some help regarding the coding and help me in explaining the code as well. this is neither a hw or a project its to automate my process in the lab.

would be really helpful if you help me out.


thanks and regards.

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Message 3 of 5

Hi sudhannair,


@sudhannair wrote:

I am a masters student in mechanical engineering doing my research on batteries. … i am doing my thesis on batteries  to automate my process for speedy results. so my thesis data would be collected after this process. 

So you want us to help you write your thesis? Aren't you required to fulfill this task on your own?

(Atleast that was a requirement when I was doing my thesis at the university…)


@sudhannair wrote:

so i am basically very new to this software and i have no clue about coding in lab view. I have tried to learn the basics for the past few days. 

i have not done anything because i am pretty much new to this. so that is why i am asking for some help regarding the coding and help me in explaining the code as well. 

In the header of the LabVIEW board there is a section called "Training resources"! Take them to actually learn LabVIEW to be able to do your thesis work…


Btw. are you sure your "Community edition" covers the purpose of your task? Did you read the license agreement?

Why doesn't your university provide a different license for their lab?

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 4 of 5

this code is not gonna be my thesis ,this is just to automate my process. my thesis starts when i start testing with the batteries as in the outline and i am the one who is gonna write it. i am not gonna need any help on my thesis. 


i am sure you know that just writing this code wouldnt be a master level thesis. i am not even gonna write about labview in my thesis. this automation makes my testing easier and faster.( Even right now i can take the data but i should be switching on and off the valves manually).


since cuz of pandemic and universities were shut down i downloaded the community to  learn the basics.

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Message 5 of 5