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how to clear graph

I can do that manually with
 - right click
 - Data Operations
 - Clear graph
But, I would like the graph to be clear without any trace when started..
currently, the graph shows some random(?) waveforms that I don't know where they are from...
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 18

You can use the property node and wire an empty array to the "History Data" property for Waveform Charts.

For waveform graphs --- use property nodes and wire an empty array to the "Value" property. (See attached VI)

Message 2 of 18
also under file<<vi properties<<execution is "clear indicators when called"
check the box and this clears everything when you push the run button
Message 3 of 18

I like your answer! It's very simple

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 18

Well, things were much simpler back in 2007. Smiley Wink

LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019 - Unfortunately now moving back to C#, .NET, Python due to forced change to subscription model by NI. 8^{
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 18

"also under file<<vi properties<<execution is "clear indicators when called"
check the box and this clears everything when you push the run button"


Unfortunatelly this clears the graph at the starting point but as soon as first result is there you can also see all old graphs from he previous several runs

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 18

Hi km76107,


Thank you for your sharing. 

I have tried on the solution you shared. But the graph from previous iteration will appear when I run for second looping. Do you mind to share with me how to clear the data logging in the graph when running the next loop? As I tried on your solution, whenever Clear button is pressed, the graph will be cleared. However, the graph will be reappear when the Clear button is pressed again. From this, I think the data still store in the indicator. I'm looking forward to receive your advice.

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 18

Hi jason91,


that answer is 11(!) years old. And it still works perfectly.

If something from previous iterations shows up it is because of your code. Do you mind sharing your VI with us?


Regards, Jens

Kudos are welcome...
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Message 8 of 18

@jason91 wrote:

As I tried on your solution, whenever Clear button is pressed, the graph will be cleared. However, the graph will be reappear when the Clear button is pressed again. From this, I think the data still store in the indicator. I'm looking forward to receive your advice..

Obviously, you are doing somethings wrong, but we cannot troubleshoot without seeing some code.


Is this a graph or a chart? Where is the data kept? (e.g. if the data is in a shift register, you also need to clear that data). What is the mechanical action of your "clear" button? How is the graph terminal connected? Do you have race conditions (e.g. due to local variable over-use)?



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 18



fin da small vi attached .....

This is my typical Tool  for appending X/Y graphs ...    Charts I do not like much - in many cases the functionality is limited.

In order to be "small"  I have copied an picture of  working FrontPanel and its BlockDiagram inside the BlockDiagram of attached  vi.

Maybe you will not understand the whole sweep vi - but concentrate on the usage of this  small yellow

It is now compiled in LV2017 - in case you need an older version - let me know.


best Regards,



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Message 10 of 18