07-12-2005 03:24 AM
07-12-2005 03:33 AM
This just has to do with formatting. There is no actual conversion taking place.
Make sure your numeric is an integer (I or U representation), right click it and select Format & Precision and select hex from the list.
07-12-2005 03:36 AM
07-12-2005 07:28 AM
08-22-2012 12:51 AM
I want to convert 16.234 to Hex Value. Kindly suggest...
Advance Thanks
08-22-2012 02:35 AM
Hi Anil,
Are you looking for this one?
See the attachment:
08-22-2012 03:38 AM
08-22-2012 03:54 AM
Dear D Anil33
Thanks for reply
One of the example to communication they have given 16.000V - Hex = 0X00003EB0. if we convert directly hex it will show 10..
I am little bit confused.
08-22-2012 03:58 AM
Hi Anil,
3eb0h is 16048d...
Could you tell more about the background of your question?
Is the device using that number using some scaling? Is your decimal float number scaled to a certain range? Then you would need to "pre-scale" your float and convert it to a simple (integer) hex number...
08-22-2012 04:03 AM
I want to communicate IT6800 Power supply through RS232 communication. total 25 byte String 26th is check sum.