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do I need to include DSC run time on the host coputer to run an executable

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I've build an application and an installer and I've test them on a computer that has labview installed on it and it works well,
but when I installed my application on computer that doesn't has LabView it gives an error messege Says " error 1 can't deploy library"
althgough I'm deploying the libraries programmaticaly and the bath is correct aslo, but I don't know what's the problem I've tried every thing
on the site but nothing works.
I just need to deploy the libraries but i'm not doing or using logging & alarms so do i need to include DSC run time to my installer?
If any one have an idea about this problem just give me the solution!!!!!!
Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3
Duplicate Post as here and here.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author M.Shair

Now no more duplicates,

coz I solved the problem and you 'll find it here



Mahmoud Alshair
Intelligent Systems Integrator ( ISI )
System Developer
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3