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comment creer une representation d'une aiguille reelle sur le programme labview ?

bonsoir tout le monde !

sur un simulateur de vol l'aiguille de l'horizon artificiel tourne grace a un moteur a courant continu, alors moi je veux creer sur le programme labview une aiguille qui se deplace en parallele avec l'aiguille reelle et indique la meme valeur qu'elle a chaque instant !


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Message 1 of 3



I understood that you want to create an indicator in LabVIEW which moves according to the indicator of a flight simulator. I think that you can use one of the acquisition module of NI and acquire that data from the simulator and displays it. 


I'm lack of french skills, if you need further help you can post your question in this forum.


Best Regards, 


Carmen C.



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Message 2 of 3

thank you Carmen C here is my program (see attechement). i want to display many indicators (like the one i sent you) in labVIEW but each one in one page, which means that i want to have so many pages in one program, and i don't know how to do that ! so please if you have some ideas give me a solution !! thank you again 🙂

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