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WebService problem with VI that take too much time


I'm having a problem using a LV WebService running in a CompactRIO device. I have one VI that makes analog acquisitions from some NI9234 modules and it works fine when started from LabView, but when it's started by the WebService (like an URL in the browser) it doesn't work for any acquisition that takes more than 120 seconds (acquisition time is one of the input parameters).


When an acquisition of 120 or more seconds is started, the device enters in some kind of loop and restarts the VI a few times until the following page be showed (some minutes after):Sans titre.jpg

Does anyone have any idea about what is happening? 

Thank you for your attention

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Hello lucasegidio,


I suggest you to use debug tools or displaying errors on front panel in order to see if something particular is going on.

I also suggest you to check if you followed the steps described in those documents :


Simultaneously Running a Web Service and Remote Panels from a Startup Real-Time Executable


How do I Transfer Data Between My Main Application and Web Service Running On My cRIO?


LabVIEW Web Services FAQ


Don't hesitate to post your code (or something simpler). It could help users to run some tests.



Jérémy C.
NI France

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