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Vibration analysis

Hi Radu,

What manufacturer is that bearing? Doesn't look like an SKF bearing, could be an NSK or FAG bearing. If it isn't SKF I'd need some geometrical data to compute the defect frequencies (pitch, rolling element diameter, number of rolling elements, contact angle, inner and outer bore).

As far as educational material is conserned; I'd start with "An introduction into machine monitoring" by John S. Mitchell (0-87814-145-6). It probably isn't the only book you'll need and might be a bit basic but is a good start into the various techniques and often used tools. Many of the condition monitoring manufacturers offer introductionary papers or you can ask questions on their online forums. They have just about all the tools you'll ever need including modal analysis packages. Checkout CSI, SKF, Entek web sites.


PS I am with SKF and don't want to slant you into SKF only products but would be more than happy to dig up any white papers we might have that interests you - let me know.
0 Kudos
Message 21 of 37

Unfortunately I do not know who made the bearings...
Related to white papers, anything on machine monitoring and vibration analysis could help. Although I read something already, I'm a beginner in what concerns the practical stuff and I need more...focused information.

Thank you for your time and efforts.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 37
Hi Radu,

Start with that book I mentioned. But I've also attached a small introductionary paper on vibration. Have fun with it.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 37

I think you forgot the attachment. Or maybe I'm wrong?
I will look for the book at maybe; I tried a Google search but I did not get satisfactory results.

Thank you and have a great weekend.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 37
Hmm, not sure how this attachement thing works. If it doesn't go again, email me at
Message 25 of 37
Hmm, not sure how this attachement thing works.

For the record, I have found that since the change in bulletin board software at NI, attachments do not survive a PREVIEW POST operation.

If you PREVIEW your post, you will have to re-attach the file(s).

Steve Bird
Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.


Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 37
It worked!

Thank you Joost!

0 Kudos
Message 27 of 37

hi,,,i m having problem,,,actually i want to measure vibration signal from accelerometer,, but in this vi only simulation

i want to convert y scale unit label graph accelerometer from V to g..

i'm using svL scale voltage to EU in sound and vibration toolkit,,,

but the y scale in graph is not change

what shuld i do...

this is my VI


0 Kudos
Message 28 of 37

hi,,,i m having problem

i want to convert y scale unit label from V to g..

i'm using svL scale voltage to EU in sound and vibration toolkit,,,

but the y scale in graph is not change

what should i do...

this is my VI,,,


0 Kudos
Message 29 of 37

I only took a quick look to your vi... It appears you have selected "V" (volts) in a subvi that writes the units to your graph.

One suggestion (before somebody who has more time sends you the solution) is to go backwards along the wire and subvis that write the units to that chart...

Good luck.

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Message 30 of 37