02-17-2005 07:47 PM
02-18-2005 01:02 PM
02-18-2005 03:45 PM
02-18-2005 03:59 PM
02-18-2005 04:02 PM
02-18-2005 04:05 PM
For the record, I have found that since the change in bulletin board software at NI, attachments do not survive a PREVIEW POST operation.
If you PREVIEW your post, you will have to re-attach the file(s).
Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks
02-18-2005 04:20 PM
12-01-2008 09:57 PM
hi,,,i m having problem,,,actually i want to measure vibration signal from accelerometer,, but in this vi only simulation
i want to convert y scale unit label graph accelerometer from V to g..
i'm using svL scale voltage to EU in sound and vibration toolkit,,,
but the y scale in graph is not change
what shuld i do...
this is my VI
12-01-2008 10:11 PM
hi,,,i m having problem
i want to convert y scale unit label from V to g..
i'm using svL scale voltage to EU in sound and vibration toolkit,,,
but the y scale in graph is not change
what should i do...
this is my VI,,,
12-02-2008 07:44 AM
I only took a quick look to your vi... It appears you have selected "V" (volts) in a subvi that writes the units to your graph.
One suggestion (before somebody who has more time sends you the solution) is to go backwards along the wire and subvis that write the units to that chart...
Good luck.