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VISA attributes not changing during RS-232 read/write


I am setting up communication between LabVIEW and a Granville-Phillips 358 Micro-Ion Gauge. Right now I have everything (serial to ethernet converter, LabVIEW, NI MAX) set up to use RTS/CTS communication. Testing with both LabVIEW and NI MAX, when I send a valid command to the gauge, the gauge responds with "SYNTAX ERROR". I am sure that my commands are valid; they are all clearly outlined in the manual. The manual states that SYNTAX ERROR can be returned if DCD is not asserted while the gauge reads commands. The manual states that by default DCD is always asserted as long as RTS is de-asserted. All of these VISA states should be updating during communication, but by reading their values through property nodes or looking at the attribute list in NI MAX, I can see that they are not changing. My question is: How should I go about making sure DCD is asserted? It is a read-only value on property nodes so I cannot do it that way. I can set RTS to unasserted via property nodes but it does not change the value of DCD.


The manual for the gauge can be found here:

Pages 37, 41, 65, and 90 pertain to this issue. All settings should be factory default.


Thank you so much for any help.

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I'd make certain your commands and hardware are working with standard terminal programs (Putty, Termite, Teraterm, etc) just to make sure all of your wiring and such is set up correctly.

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