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Use of BNC converter to screw terminal for module NI 9215

Thanks for the recomendation and i really want to have one NI 9234 to use it but the problem is that my group don't have to much money, so we have to decide to buy only the most important device that we need and that means that i have to decide betwen the 3 accelerometers (with the cables and magnetic accesories) that our project needs or the module NI 9234, 9233 or others equivalents. What i told  to my group is that i prefer to have the sensors because that's the best option to analyse vibration on motors and we can make the circuits needed. The real problem as i told before is that the university where we are doing our project only have the compactRIO 9074 system, NI 9215 [AI] (screw terminal),9421[DI],9263[AO] and 9472[DO] modules and none of these are used for accelerometers data acquisition with IEPE so i have to make my project with what i have (i knows is not the best option). The money is our big problem but we have to make the project with what we have or at least try, that's why i want to make my own ICP sensor supply (or conditioner for the sensor) beacuse the money we have is enough only just to buy the accelerometers and the accesories. Thanks to all for your answers and attention.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hi Gerardo,


I already suggested to search for "ICP sensor supply" in the web. Did you?


From a vibration sensor datasheet I got this image:


I also suggested to use a cheap LM334Z as "constant current diode", so you need 3 cheap small devices for ~2€…

Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 12 of 13

Hola Gerardo, tengo básicamente el mismo problema. 
Cuento con la USB 6001 de National Instruments y un par de acelerometros IMI 602D01 pero los acelerometros tienen salida BNC y las entradas del USB 6001 son entradas de tornillo

¿Pudiste resolver tu problemática con circuito que diseñaste (ICP sensor supply)? 
Y si no, ¿cuál fue la manera en que solucionaste tu problema? 

Te agradezco de antemano. 

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Message 13 of 13