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Unable to set USB2.0 camera attributes through LabVIEW while the same could be done through NI-MAX.

Hello All,


I am unable to set USB2.0 camera attributes through LabVIEW while the same could be done through NI-MAX. Since the camera is USB2.0 based, earlier it was not detectable in NI-MAX as well. Then after installing LabVIEW driver for the same I was able to detect the camera on MAX as well as change its parameters using MAX. But now when I am trying to write a code in LabVIEW to control the camera parameters programmatically, I am unable to do that. The code is working fine but the parameters are not changing. Please help

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Message 1 of 4

Please attach all of the LabVIEW code you are trying to use with your camera.  What kind of camera is it (maker, model)?  I have successfully used Logitech Web Cams (which I think are USB 2.0), as well as the Web Cams that come "built-in" with modern laptops, in both MAX and LabVIEW.


What version of LabVIEW are you running (both year and whether 32 or 64-bit version)?  What Vision packages have you installed?  Specifically, do you have Vision Acquisition Software?


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4



The program ran successfully. I was using a local camera and trying to grab image dynamically and simultaneously change its parameters. I understood that the problem was with grab set of LabVIEW. Attaching the running code for your reference. Sorry for delayed response

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Message 3 of 4

I'm glad you figured it out.  It's not clear (to me) why you abandoned that pretty "Focusing Value" control for the "mundane" Numeric one, which appears to be equivalent (unless you want to "type in a number", I suppose ...).


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 4