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Unable to load NI XML Parser



I use the NI XML Parser in my project. But when I work at home, I get an error during the NI_XML.lvlib loading. Please see the attached screenshots.


It is fixed only by connecting to the office VPN. When the project is fully loaded, I can use it normally without the VPN.


On my computer, I have several network devices that work only with the VPN.

It looks like a bug.


LabView version is 23 Q1


Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

@SileVrn wrote:

Do these "network devices" have anything to do with LabVIEW?  Who installed LabVIEW on your computer, you or the IT Folks?


I'd try to figure out the exact sequence of Connecting and Disconnecting from VPN that works.  I suspect that there's a subtle Firewall issue somewhere here.  Experiments to try to narrow it down:

  • Connect/disconnect from VPN before opening LabVIEW.
  • Open LabVIEW, Connect/disconnect, open Project.
  • Open LabVIEW, open Project, Connect/disconnect.
  • Open LabVIEW, open Project, open Top Level VI, Connect/disconnect.
  • Repeat above, but do something between Connect and Disconnect.

Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

> Do these "network devices" have anything to do with LabVIEW? 

There is nothing that LabView can use. The license is local.


> Who installed LabVIEW on your computer, you or the IT Folks?

I installed LabView.


There is no error if I work with a project without the NI XML Parser.

There is no error if I load the project with NI XML Parser and connected VPN. Then I can disconnect the VPN and continue working normally.

After successful loading of the project, I can close it (but do not close LabView) and then open it again without the VPN connection.


In addition, I try to make a simple VI with only from the NI XML Parser. It has same behaver.

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Message 3 of 8

Sorry, I can't visualize (nor figure out how to write a Test routine) the situation you describe.  It would be much easier if you attached a piece of code that demonstrates this behavior.  I don't, myself, use the NI XML Parser (I'm not exactly sure I know what "works" and what "fails"), but I also have a "Work PC" that has a VPN portal back to the "secure Network" at work that authenticates my Login, for example.


If you do attach a "Demo that fails", be sure to note which version of LabVIEW it expects.  I would also appreciate it if you could save it as "Demo LV 2021" and "Demo LV 2019", just in case it might be a version-specific issue (and I'm currently working primarily in LV 2019 SP1).


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8

You can see „minimalistic" VI in the attachment of my first message (Screenshot 2023-04-13 070612.png).

Only one element.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8

I am trying to help you.  Could you please send me some LabVIEW code (by which I mean "Please attach a VI that I can open with LabVIEW, preferably with LabVIEW 2019 or 2021, that will demonstrate the problem you are having").  Please do not attach a "picture" of LabVIEW code, as I cannot open it with LabVIEW.


The Good News, I suppose, is that I created a program with LabVIEW 2021 that consisted of a from the NI XML library wired to an Error Out.  Runs without error.  Maybe there's something wrong with your LabVIEW installation?


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

@Bob_Schor wrote:

I am trying to help you.  Could you please send me some LabVIEW code (by which I mean "Please attach a VI that I can open with LabVIEW, preferably with LabVIEW 2019 or 2021, that will demonstrate the problem you are having").  Please do not attach a "picture" of LabVIEW code, as I cannot open it with LabVIEW.


The Good News, I suppose, is that I created a program with LabVIEW 2021 that consisted of a from the NI XML library wired to an Error Out.  Runs without error.  Maybe there's something wrong with your LabVIEW installation?


Bob Schor

You are completely correct; it is the same as what I tested. And what do I need to attach?


I also tried to reproduce the error on another machine with LabView 2017. And it worked normally.

If I remove all network drives from my system, I get no errors.

So, what does "DOMUserDefRef.dll" do on network drives?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

@SileVrn wrote:

I also tried to reproduce the error on another machine with LabView 2017. And it worked normally.

If I remove all network drives from my system, I get no errors.

So, what does "DOMUserDefRef.dll" do on network drives?

Well, I'm out of ideas.  But you've provided more information, so I'm hoping that @rolfk or other folks more knowledgable than I on "internals" will see this and know about Network Drives ...


Bob Schor

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Message 8 of 8