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Trying to Get XNET J1939 Frame Output example to work



We are trying to get the XNET "J1939 Frame Output" example to work that NI provides within LabView.  We successfully were able to get the XNET "J1939 Frame Input" to read data that is constantly being sent by the connected device.  In order to run the Output vi, it says the Input vi should be running first in parallel.  


If I use the NI-XNET Bus Monitor, I see the same data coming from the connected device that I see in the Input vi.


My settings for the Input vi which DOES work are as follows:

Interface: CAN1

Baud Rate: 500000

Node Address: 99

Number of Frames to Display: 15

CAN Cluster:  ":can_j1939:"

Hex Display: Checked


My settings for the Output vi which does NOT work are as follows:

Interface: CAN1

Baud Rate: 500000

Node Address: 5

CAN Cluster:  ":can_j1939:"

I then have the default data parameters with the type set to J1939 Data and Extended checked.  Any attempts to change any settings to get it to work have been unsuccessful.  


Any ideas are appreciated.


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