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Trouble communicating with SR865A LabVIEW driver using RS 232 serial port

Trouble communicating with SR865A LabVIEW driver using RS 232 serial port
Using NI MAX I ensured that it is communicating using RS 232 (using command *IDN?\n  no error is found), but when I run the lab view program in block code at VISA open Error -1073807346 is showing any lab view support will be appreciated.Error -1073807346.JPG

Error -1073807346.JPG

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Well that error usually means something already has the VISA resource open. (Another program, The VISA Test Panel in NI-Max, etc)


Also since you seem new to LabVIEW serial communications, I suggest you watch this video: VIWeek 2020/Proper way to communicate over serial

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
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Typically for Stanford Research you had to specify the communication bus with the command OUTX, if I remember correctly, OUTX1 was GPIB, OUTX0 was serial, but look that up in the manual. This should be done at the beginning of the program.

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