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SubPanel VI not closing correctly

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I'm using a subpanel in my program which opens in the consumer loop. when the program is stopped the reference to the VI in the subpanel is closed, however when i then go to open the vi which I run in the subPanel I can't open it as it is still in memory or something. this mean i have to close all of labview down just to switch VI's. Does anyone know why my subpanel VI isn't closing correctly? 


Labview 14.0



Labview 14.0, Labview 12.0
Mechanical Engineering Student
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Message 1 of 14


Labview 14.0, Labview 12.0
Mechanical Engineering Student
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

Closing the reference to the VI in the subpanel is not enough. You need to tell the VI to stop executing. Typically for this I would use a user event/queue and pass the reference into the VI but you could also have a 'shutdown?' FGV.


Edit: Also, your Variant 1, 2, 3 etc. is surplus to requirements. You could have a single 'data' variant and give it a cluster containing the 3 different elements which you then convert using variant to data in the 'process video and data' case of your state machine.

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
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Message 3 of 14

Okay thats sounds great, just to clarify what you mean however as I'm reasonably new to labview. I've now put a stop function in my lower level VI which is in the sub panel so that when i hit 'stop application' it stops the program running. This works, however ideally i would like to stop it also when i press the stop button on the top level VI. Do I do this by passing an input in the to the start asychronous call function which could be a boolean and would then make a 'stop app' case in the subpanel VI. Or does the inputs to the subpanel only get passed once?

Labview 14.0, Labview 12.0
Mechanical Engineering Student
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14
To stop the dynamically launched VI you need some sort of signalling to tell it to stop. The way I like to do it is to create a user-defined event or UDE that will stop everything when it fires. Here is a post that talks about a nicely encapsulated approach.

For this technique to work you will need to build your application using event-driven techniques -- other posts on the same site talk about that if you are not familiar with it.


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Message 5 of 14

Hi, thanks for replying! I just read most of the post and I don't see how that is relevant to the issue i have. Forive me if it's obvious. All i need to do is pass a stop boolean to a subpanel VI which will then use that in an event driven state machine to stop the VI running. How does what you link solve that, also I can't afford to be changing the whole artitecture of my VI.

Labview 14.0, Labview 12.0
Mechanical Engineering Student
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Message 6 of 14