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String for Reading PV from Eurotherm 2404

Does anyone know the string used for polling the PV from a Eurotherm 2404 controller. I can write the SL to the unit but can't read the PV back.

I just want to read the temperature back periodically

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Message 1 of 49

Can't give a direct answer, but there are LabVIEW VIs on the Eurotherm web site for this controller (they are Eurotherm-customer supplied, so treat with caution!!). These VIs do, however only work with the EI-Bisync or Modbus protocols - don't know if this helps?

You can also order a Communications manual for the 2000 series controller (part number given on above page).

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 49
I would like to make the controlling program for 2404  eurotherm by LabVIEW 6.1  but there is not a comminication with PC
any help is appreciated
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 49
I would go ahead and use the driver that you can down-load from Eurotherm.  That is what I have done sucessfully in the past.  What does your statement mean "not a communication with the PC"?  Do you have a serial port connection that is not working?  You could also have an Ethernet connection.  The Modbus driver from Eurotherm should work either way, but I don't remember if it uses VISA (I think it does).  If it does, the only thing you should have to worry about would be getting the VISA resource name right when you open the VISA connection.  If you are connected by a serial port, can you get Hyperterm to communicate with your device?  If you are succesfully sending setpoints from LabVIEW, reading the PV should be no problem using the driver.
These are ideas to get you moving in the right direction.
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Message 4 of 49
thank you for reply
-I tray to communicate with hyperteminal but I can't although I tray a sample program called es220 and it run successefully using the El Bisync protocol.
the problem is that the driver work only with Modbus protocol
and this error message is returned when I run this driver:
"VISA Flush I/O Buffer in ET24XX Utility MODBUS RTU Send
->ET24XX Utility Read From
->ET24XX Read Rate Limit"
Is it possible to modify this driver to one working with the El bisync protocol or where can i find a driver using this protocol.
Is it easy to replace the communication unit of the Eurotherm with one with Modbus
- The itools software can't run the message is "none divice detected"
 This is what written on divice for more information:
" H/W:2404/CM/VH/H7/XX/XX
SN: FR86403-001-001-06-05
thank you very much
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 49

I just installed a new Eurothem controller 3508, connected to a pc by Ethernet port.
I get VIs for this kind of controller on NI-site, but only for Serial port.

* My question is then (please consider that I'm not a Labview specialist Smiley Wink 😞

- What should I change in the VI, in order to be able to use the previous serial VI with my Ethernet connexion?
or - Does anybody has this kind of VI (also for an other Eurotherm instrument...)

Thank you very much

Message Edité par Gui38 le 05-24-2007 09:40 AM

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Message 6 of 49
I have the same problem with the 3504. The connection is ok, since iTools can access it. I tried to send modbus commands the NI-Modbus driver or directly over TCP, both did not work. Maybe I did something wrong. I did not use the NI-Eurotherm-driver though, only tried to read modbus addresses. Has anybody any idea what the problem might be?
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Message 7 of 49
Do you have find a solution to use a Eurotherm 3508 with Ethernet in LABVIEW ? I have the same problem, thanks for your answer.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 49
If you can get the device to appear in iTools, then you should be able to communicate with it with opc using the datasocket VIs

How far have you managed to get with communicating with it?
- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 49
Dear Ed,
thanks for yours answer.
Unfortunately, I don't have the software iTools. Do you know if there is a free version of this software? Initially, I wanted to communicate only with Labview. Do you think this is possible?
Thank you for your reply
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Message 10 of 49