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Signal Processing/Signal Generation palette - couple of questions

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Working with Signal Processing / Signal generation palette I have met some difficulties.

Here are some of them:

  • some blocks works properly, whereas others not at all, e.g. on the snippet that follows there are 2 signal sources: Gaussian Modulated SIN pattern that works  ... and another, the simplest Sine wave, that doesn't work
  • default realization of the Tones and Noise block contains only 2 tones. Is it possible to add additional tones ? How ?

Thanks in advance


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Message 1 of 6
What do you mean by "doesn't work".


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Message 2 of 6

@Pavel_47 wrote:



Working with Signal Processing / Signal generation palette I have met some difficulties.

Here are some of them:

  • some blocks works properly, whereas others not at all, e.g. on the snippet that follows there are 2 signal sources: Gaussian Modulated SIN pattern that works  ... and another, the simplest Sine wave, that doesn't work
  • default realization of the Tones and Noise block contains only 2 tones. Is it possible to add additional tones ? How ?

Thanks in advance

What do you mean by 'doesn't work'? Are you getting an error? Have you probed the array of data coming out? I'm pretty sure that these functions all work, so what are you getting versus what you are expecting?

The Tones and Noise VI takes in an array of tones (array of clusters) - increase the size of the array to add additional tones - that is pretty basic stuff.


(I can't open/run your snippet as I don't have LV2015)

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
Message 3 of 6

Tones and Noise - Ok !

I was confused by greyed aspect of new tones while dragging the right side of the array (so I thought that exists some sort of "activation")

But once I change the frequency, it becomes "normal".


Concerning "doesn't" work: here is 2 outputs: Gaussian Modulated SIN (top) and SINE wave (bottom)

sine_wave_doesn't work.JPG


What version of LV you have ?

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Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author Pavel_47
Did you read the part in the documentation about the 'frequency' input and the units? The parameters you have used is generating just a small fraction of a complete sine wave. To generate a complete sign wave for 128 samples (the default), you need to use 1/128 as the frequency (or use 1000 samples at a frequency of 0.001).

LabVIEW Champion, CLA, CLED, CTD
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Message 5 of 6

Indeed, it's the case.

Before I used another block, where the unit was [Hz]

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Message 6 of 6