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Screen to Screen (VI To VI) Navigation

Hi All,


I have worked in normal SCADA Systems. Assume that in a Project we have screens like, Plant Over View, Trend, Alarms etc... By configuring  buttons I can Navigate from one screen to other.


I'm new to Labview, with my understanding of labview, its screens are saved as ".vi" (ie;,,  etc..) . So I want to know how can I navigate from one screen (or vi) to other from the Front Panel?


If you have examples plz attach...

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Message 1 of 10

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are asking about at all. What do you mean by "navigating" from one screen to another from the front panel? There are no "screens" in LabVIEW.

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Message 2 of 10

Ok... I this I miss the architecture of Labview, but I want to learn it.


Assume that, I have lot of animation, Graphs, real time values to show. It is not possible to include all this in a single VI. So what you do is split the requirements, like animation in one VI then Graphs in other VI, right?


So when I'm running animation VI, how can I open Graphs VI?


Hope you understand?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

You can use a tab control. That would be the easiest way to do it. Look into a tab control. You can a property node to change the tab page which makes it seem like different windows.

Message 4 of 10

You can open separate VIs by using the VI server. Alternatively you can have multiple parallel loops running in a main VI that has these child VIs in each of the loops. Personally, I think the dynamic lanuch of the VIs is a better approach. Search these forums, as this kind of architecture has been discussed many times before, and examples have been posted.

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Message 5 of 10

That can be accomplished using tab controls, or sub-VIs, or sub-panels.


The zip I included in post # 18 of this thread has an example that demonstrates how to realize "Docking" in LV.


These images demonstrate Docking in an application.





This album has more images of that application.


Yes that application ran on a machine with 2 very large displays.


Smiley Wink



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
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Message 6 of 10

You can stretch one vi over several monitors, if need be, but to answer your exact question i think you can use the Focus-property on another vi (through it's ref) to handle tab-control between vi's.



G# - Award winning reference based OOP for LV, for free! - Qestit VIPM GitHub

Qestit Systems
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Message 7 of 10

Thanks each one of you, all of your suggestions were new knowledge for me....


Hey I found a "Jump Button" under Navigation Buttons, which really served my need..........Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10



I am new in LAB View. But i have good knowledge in SCADA System.  So i want to make one of project same as scada in LAB View. But i face many problem.

Can you please share this thing, because i also want nevigation in VI.

I found jump button. But how it's work i don't know.

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Message 9 of 10

@NitinB wrote:

I am new in LAB View. But i have good knowledge in SCADA System.  So i want to make one of project same as scada in LAB View. But i face many problem.

Welkom. Start with some (free) courses.


Lesson 1. It's LabVIEW, not LAB View.


@NitinB wrote: 

Can you please share this thing, because i also want nevigation in VI.

What thing? Who's thing? Different things where mentioned. Be specific.


@NitinB wrote: 

I found jump button. But how it's work i don't know.

The jump button won't fix anything, nor will it help you in any way to navigate. It's just a button with an arrow, apparently something OP was looking for.

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Message 10 of 10