@Bob_Schor wrote:
I downloaded and attempted to open "Save - Retain LV Version.vi" in LabVIEW 2019. It appeared to "lock" LabVIEW -- the screen flickered briefly, a LabVIEW icon appeared on the Task Bar, but I couldn't open anything, couldn't get LabVIEW to respond, and had to resort to killing LabVIEW.exe.
I'm assuming that this is not "protected" code, and isn't supposed to simply hang LabVIEW if opened. I'll note that I didn't exactly follow your instructions -- I had not put it inside an existing LabVIEW Project, but just tried to open it as though it was a stand-alone VI (still residing in my "Downloads" folder). I also assumed that since you mentioned "LabVIEW 20??", it should have worked if I opened it with LabVIEW 2019.
I look forward to your comments.
Bob Schor
When you open it directly it's supposed to do nothing. And it doesn't really do anything; but it leaves its FP open and hidden (which seems to be hard to recover from if nothing else is open).
You don't need to put it in a Project, you need to put it in the folder ...\National Instruments\LabVIEW 201xx\project\
Note that 'Run When Opened' has to be set for it to work as a menu item.
Attached is a version that closes its FP even if it's run incorrectly.
It should work in any LV version from 2018 onward.